Person:Lovett Reed (1)

Lovett Reed
b.14 Oct 1754 North Carolina
Facts and Events
Name Lovett Reed
Gender Male
Birth[1] 14 Oct 1754 North Carolina
Death[1] Nov 1834 Bledsoe County, Tennessee
  1. 1.0 1.1 Graves, William T. Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters.

    Pension application of Lovett Reed W5671 Sibbey fn62NC
    Transcribed by Will Graves 12/22/09

    State of Tennessee Bledsoe County
    On this 25th day of February 1833 personally appeared before me Andrew Lowe an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Bledsoe aforesaid & State of Tennessee, and a justice of the County Court (which is a court of record) of said County Lovett Reed a resident in said County of Bledsoe and State of Tennessee aged seventy-eight years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
    That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. He was drafted for 5 months and entered the service in the militia in Guilford County North Carolina in the company commanded by Captain __ Nelson, Lieutenant Charles Hughs and Ensign __ McBride (he thinks James). He was marched from Guilford County to Salisbury where he thinks he fell in with General Rutherford. He at all events was under the command of General Rutherford during all this term of service and was in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Pacely [sic, John Paisley], Colonel Locke was along but declarant thinks he was under Colonel Paisley's command. From Salisbury he was marched to Camden South Carolina from there crossed Santee River passing by a place called Bacon's Bridge and to the Savannah River, where the British had possession on the Georgia side. This was just above a little town called Purrysburg, and near a place called the Two Sisters [ferry]. General Ash [sic, John Ashe] was along on this expedition. He crossed the Savannah River with his force and had a battle with the British at the mouth of Brier Creek on the Georgia side of the Savannah in which he was defeated. Declarant served out his term, being sometime at one place and some time at another along the River, which was for 5 months and was discharged by
    Captain Nelson at camp Turkey Hill on the 16th of March. He cannot remember the year in which he performed this term of service, but refers to Ashe's defeat at Brier Creek to fix the date, as his defeat then happened during this term of declarant's service.
    Declarant was a Sergeant in Captain Nelson's company for part of the time during the
    foregoing tour but cannot remember how long. He claims nothing additional on account of it.
    Not long after the aforesaid tour he again entered the service (this time in Caswell County
    North Carolina where he had moved from Guilford County) in the militia light horse in the
    company commanded by Captain Reynolds -- Lieutenant Saunders and the declarant Coronet [Cornet]. He this time went as a substitute for a certain John Jones. This tour declarant was principally employed against the Tories down on Rocky River, Pedee and Cape Fear [River] in which section of country he served out his term which was for 3 months and was discharged on the bank of Cape Fear River. Major McClary (or McCleary) was the commander this tour.
    Colonel Fannon [sic, David Fanning] commanded the Tories. --
    Very shortly after this last mentioned tour declarant again entered the service in Caswell
    County in the militia light horse in Captain Harrell's company who was under the command of
    Major McClary -- as a substitute for a certain Henry Hays. About the time he entered the service this last time, General Green [sic, Nathanael Greene] came on through Caswell County with whom declarant fell land, with him he marched to Camden, which the British had just evacuated from there to the high hills of Santee, from there up the River about 20 miles across yet & down again in the direction of the Eutaw Springs where General Greene had a battle with the British but shortly before Green arrived there declarant was taken with the smallpox & left behind where Major McClary gave him his discharge and all so discharged a certain Barry Hutson or Hutson Berry to take care of declarant. He states that his last time was for 3 months and that during this and the preceding tour of 3 months he acted as a Coronet and the light horse. Declarant is unable to state the dates of his service. He has no documentary evidence of his service, nor does he know of any person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to it, except his aunt Nancy Hays who is now present and who was the wife of Henry Hays for whom declarant substituted the last tour, who is dead, and with whom declarant did of during the whole of the revolutionary war except when in the service. He will now procure her testimony and had it appended it hereto.
    He was born in North Carolina does not know what County, in the year 1754 on the 14th
    day of October according to the registry kept by his father. He now has no record of his age --
    when called first into the service he lived in Guilford County North Carolina, during the war he moved into Caswell County North Carolina where he lived during the war and for some time thereafter, he has since lived in many places, principally in Sullivan, Roane and Bledsoe Counties State of Tennessee. He lived in Burke County North Carolina 15 or 16 years. He has lived in Bledsoe County about 15 years where he still resides. He was drafted his first term the 2nd a substitute for John Jones and the 3rd a substitute for Henry Hays. He has stated the names of his officers and the general circumstances of his service as well as he can.
    He received written discharges for all 3 of his terms, but does not know what has become
    of them. He received no commission except the appointment of his superior officers.
    He is known in his present neighborhood to William Nail a clergyman James Ormis and Colonel Samuel C. Lowe who can testify as to his character for veracity, and their belief of his services as a soldier of the revolution.
    He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the Agency of any State.
    S/ Lovett Reed

    [William Nail, a clergyman, Samuel C. Lowe and James Ormis gave the standard supporting affidavit.]

    [Nancy Hays, aged between 80 and 90, gave a supporting affidavit in which she states that
    Lovett Reed lived with her and her husband, Henry Hays, in both Guilford and Caswell County
    during the war of the revolution and that she knows Lovett Reed served often in the war but for how long she cannot state; she states that Lovett Reed served as a substitute for her husband Henry Hays and that Reed's wife lived with her while Reed was in service.]

    [fn p. 15: on the March 31, 1840 in Bledsoe County Tennessee, Sibby Reed, 76, filed for a
    widows pension under the 1836 act; she states that she was raised in Guilford County North
    Carolina near the edge of Caswell County; that she married to Lovett Reed just at the edge of Guilford and Caswell County's in North Carolina and she is not positive in which County they were married; that they were married in the house of Henry Hays; that they were married in June 1779 the precise day of the month not recollected; that her oldest son George Reed was born one day after the battle of Guilford; that she was living at that time on Country line Creek; that her oldest child George Reed, now dead, was born March 16th 1781, Nancy was born June 13th 1784; James was born October 5th 1787; Peggy was born July 4th 1789; Henry was born September 5th 1792; Polly was born June 2nd, 1795; Sibby was born July 4th 1797; that their 5th child, Henry Reed, has been married upward of 25 years past and has 2 sons to wit David Reed and William Reed that are married David Reed the oldest of said Henry Reed's children has been married about 3 years and has 2 children, and William the 2nd son of Henry Reed has been married more than one year past and has one child; that her husband the Lovett Reed died in November 1834 in Bledsoe County Tennessee; that he died of the dropsy.]

    [fn p. 24: in January 1841, in Morgan County Tennessee, David Brown and his wife Polly Brown
    (formerly Polly Reed, the 6th child of Lovett Reed and his wife Libby) gave testimony that he and his wife have had 11 children, 10 of whom are living, as shown on and attached record in the handwriting of Peter D. Wilcox; that they know from many supporting circumstances that Lovett and his wife head their oldest child born one day after the battle of Guilford. fn p. 22: family record of David Brown reads as follows:

    David Brown Born 15 Sept 1800
    Polly his wife June 1795
    Jackson 10 1819
    Gilbert 1822
    William [illegible] 14 1825
    Peggy March 25 1828
    Lucy May 15 1830
    Thomas April 15 1832
    Larkin Feb. 9, 1834
    Stephen Sept. 10 1835
    Rebecca May 5 1837
    Betsey Oct 24, 1839]
    [fn p. 46
    Samuel Howard was born July 15th 1780
    Martha Lewis was bornd march 17 1787
    Polley Howard was born July 26 1808
    Hannah Howard was born October 9 1810
    Lewis Howard was born September 9 1813
    Elizabeth Howard was born March 28 1817
    Nathan Howard was born February 8 1822
    George D. Howard was born April 10 1825
    Jackson Howard was born May 2 1827
    William Howard was born May 8th 1831]

    [fn p. 61: Samuel Howard of Morgan County Tennessee gave an affidavit dated December 29,
    1840 in support of the application of Sibby Reed for a widows pension -- he submitted the above family record to prove his age.]