Person:Loris Ladbury (1)

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Louisa Livingstone Ladbury
d.Bef Dec 1990
m. 1905
  1. Louisa Livingstone LadburyAbt 1906 - Bef 1990
  2. Frederick Ladbury1910 - 1974
m. 16 Apr 1936
Facts and Events
Name Louisa Livingstone Ladbury
Alt Name Loris Ladbury
Gender Female
Birth[1] Abt 1906 Boort, Victoria, Australia
Marriage 16 Apr 1936 South Australia, Australiato Anthony Stirling Fotheringham
Death[2] Bef Dec 1990
  1. Australia. Birth Index, 1788-1922. (
  2. .

    reported by Cyril Andrews at Christmas 1990. He commented "she died - but the family forgot to let us know".