Person:Lloyd Morrow (1)

m. 8 Apr 1919
  1. Lopez MORROWAbt 1921 - 1986
  2. Inez Elain Morrow1923 - 1970
  3. Bertha Faye MORROW1925 - 1998
  4. Flavius MORROW1929 - 1983
  5. Leon MORROW1931 - 1981
  6. Lloyd Morrow1934 - 1970
  7. Lela Mae Morrow1937 - 1997
Facts and Events
Name Lloyd Morrow
Gender Male
Birth[1] 29 Jan 1934 Altoona, Etowah, Alabama, United States
Death[1] 29 Dec 1970 Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, United States
Burial[1] Bay Minette Cemetery, Bay Minette, Baldwin, Alabama, United States

Delivered-To: From: "wscc" <> To: "Dalton J. Nix" <> Subject: Re: Nix - Morrow line Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:01:11 -0600

Oh dear, there's a wrong turn somewhere there. It's Pinkie Lee not Pickey. And Flavius isn't her husband. Rev. Mark Morrow was. Flavius was her son. Also, Bertha Faye, Lela May, Inez, Jenet, Betty, Thelma, Leon, & Lloyd. I think that's all of them though I'm not positive about the spelling of Jenet. I've got to dig more and make sure. Also, I don't have all of their birthdays and I'm tinking one of the girls is still alive. Aunt Inez died many years ago. I remember hiding out in Grandma's pantry and crying for most of the day before she found me. I remember she held me and told me she loved me. That was unusual for her since she wasn't a very affectionate person but she did show her feelings in other ways. She gave me a dress for my fifth birthday that I still had when I was 13. I just would not let my mother throw it away. I lost it during a move from St. Petersburg back to Alabama some time later. uh, ggg grandfather I think. Pinkie was my grandmother, then her father was William Nolie Nix and his father John Henry Nix... then Tyre was his father? Yes, 3 g's. Nancy Lela Bishop is the name I was told so long ago for Grandmother's mother's name. Lela Nancy's mother's name was Jane King, her husband (grandma's father) Abner Bishop. That's as far back as I have. Grandma and Grandpa are buried here in Stapleton behind that little church that I am to excited to recall the name of at this moment. I'm going to go there and write down the names and inscriptions on the gravestones and take pictures of them for the other people looking for the same info. Trying to recall dates made me realize just how much detail info I'm missing. I'll have to go back to my aunt's house and scan the family Bible she has there. It's falling apart at the spine but the writing is still legible. I forgot the questions I'd intended to ask so I'll just go for now and when I remember them, I'll write them down. Thanks heaps for your answer and info! You're the greatest! Take care , Sincerely, Susan.

Delivered-To: From: "wscc" <> To: "Dalton J. Nix" <> Subject: Re: Nix - Morrow line Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 16:53:16 -0600

Lopez was the oldest. I know that. And he was in a motorcycle accident when he was young. It messed up his leg so he walked with a permanent limp. I don't recall ever seeing him use a cane. The house they lived in is very near here. What's left of it anyway. During hurricane Freddie, a large limb from the pecan tree next to the house fell and put a large hole in the roof. The money was given to Aunt Bertha to have it fixed but the work was never done. The walls are mostly still there, the roof , what's left of it is definately unsafe but the foundateion which is concrete is still the same. Even the blood stain in the bathroom is there. That's where my brother was standing when he and our cousin, Lloyd's son Randy accidently shot him in the head. They had just returned from a hunting trip. My father, Uncle Lloyd, Randy and Greg. The boys were just 7 then so them going to the bathroom together was no big thing. Anywayz, Randy never did forgive himself though everyone else did. It was an accident. The gun hand been unloaded and checked. Note I saw Uncle Lloyd wrap that gun around the pecan tree in front of the porch. That was somethin else.Amazing how some events stick in your memory like glue. That wasn't the first time somoene had misspelled Grandma's name. Their insurance angent did it one time. Just one time. I thought the copy error was the problem when I read the message. I got a good giggle out of it as did one of my younger sisters. I have 5 sisters. Greg is the oldest of us, then me, and on. My mom's still alive. She lives in Tennesee with our step-father, John Wilkins. You might be able to get more info from her on the Morrow stuff. She took care of our grandparents when they were bedridden until they left this world. I'll give you her address ending this. She has an email address but she and I don't see near the same so I don't have it. Grandma and Grandpa Morrow are in United Methodist Church cemetery in Stapleton. That's the same church near the Stapleton School. It used to be all grades but I think it's Elementary only now. ( Here's somethin else to think about. The first grade teacher there was Mrs. Harrell. She was my mother's first grade teacher, then my brother's and then mine. She was a wonderful woman who lived right there in Stapleton with her husband and son who had down's syndrome. I have a ghost of a memory of a visit there during a visit home from Fort Rucker where daughters' were mentioned of Mrs. Harrell but I cannot recall clear enough to state as fact. ) Anyway, Aunt Lee (Lela) and her husband Joseph LeBlanc, their daughter Kimberly and our father, Leon, Lloyd and several Nix's are there as well. Mother gave our space next to our daddy to Linda (Bertha's daughter) so she's probably there too. Bertha that is. Not Linda. Bertha's husband of so many years is still alive though Linda has moved back in with him just this year I'd imagine to take care of him since he is getting on in years. Dear Aunt Inez died when I was young. I hid in the feild behind the house untill my daddy called me home. I have to say, of all our father's sisters, she was my favorite. Got to go for now. More later.

Original Message -----

From: <>Dalton J. Nix To: <>wscc Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 8:13 AM Subject: Re: Nix - Morrow line

Dalton, �Thank you very much for your response.I'm afraid I don't know much about the move to South Alabama , except that Mark Morrow (Pinkey Nix's husband)�had family there. I will keep searching for the answer and let you know as soon as I find out. ���������� �I am very interested in any details you may want to share . I have only been researching our family history for a few months so I have very little information other than the more recent decendants. I�have , however, discovered a small glitch in Pinkey's marriage to Mark. I have found her name in two seperate census in the same year. In one she is living� with her parents and is listed as "divorced" and in the other , dated 4 days later, she is in another state , married to another man , but when she passed away she was again married to my grandfather. It's quite an inigma.�I'm hoping you may be able to shed a little light on the subject and have attatched the two census forms in question. �� �I can� give you some if not most�of the names and dates associated with Pinkey's children and grandchildren. Brace yourself, there are quite a lot of us. Bare with me, we are a wide spread group and have unfortunately lost contact over the years so as yet I haven't collected as much of the dates as I would like.. � �Mark and Pinkey's children are as Follows, I don't have all of thier dates yet but will send them to you as soon as I get them all. Thank you so much for your time and help. I know how tideous this kind of thing is and want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate it. �Paula Tillie � Flavius Morrow (burried in Stapleton,Al.)�m. Wilda May Paul on Jan.7 1960 ������������� � * son; Gregory Lee Morrow b.May 20 1960 ��������������� �*daughter; Susan Carole Morrow�b. Aug 25 1963 ��������������������� ���������� m.Walter Eugene Stone in 1982 ������������������������������������� >Christopher Daniel Stone��� b. Dec 23 1982 ��������������������������� ����������� m.Valerie ���������������������������������������������>>Christopher Thomas Stone ���������������������������������������������>>Joseph Daniel Stone ���������������������������������������>Casey Levy Stone b.Apr 24 1986 �������������������*daughter;Mary Joanne Morrow b. June 3 1965 ������������������ *daughter;Crystal Dianne Morrow b. Jan 19 1972 ���������������������������������� m. John Jason Brill ����������������������������������������> Falycia Ryan Brill b. May 21 1990 ����������������������������������������>Falyn Deann Brill b. May 21 1990 ������������������������������������m.Eric Edward Watts �����������������������������������������> Alan Seth Watts �����������������������������������������> Kaitlyn Paige Watts ���������������� *daughter; Terri Ann Morrow b.May 23 1973 ���������������������������������� m.David Brent Goodwin Apr.22 1995 �������������������������������������� >Taylor Lee Goodwin b.Dec 12 1993 ���������������������������������������>Ashley Rebecca Goodwin b.Sep 23 1995� d.Aug.24 1998 �������������������������������������� >Thomas Brent Goodwin ����������������� *daughter;Paula Jenae't Morrow b. May 5 1975 ��������������������������������� m. Michael Jason Tillie Dec 30 1995 ��������������������������������������� >Damien Rkane Kendrick b. Sep 7 1992 ����������������������������������������> Bradley Andrew Tillie b. Sep 14 1998 ������������������ *daughter; Valerie Nicole Morrow b. Feb14 1977 ����������������������������������� m.Charles Hajdik ����������������������������������������> Charity Nicole Hajdik b. July 18 1998 ����������������������������������� m.Michael Brian Hunter ��������������������������������������� >Brian Michael Hunter � �Bertha Faye Morrow� (b. ?� d.? burried in Stapleton Al.)m.Stanley B Funk ������������ *daughter; Linda Funk � �Lloyd Morrow (b. ? d. ?)� m. Annie Melva Paul ����������� *son;Randall Lloyd Morrow b. ?� d. ? ������������* son;James Richard Morrow b. ? ���������������������� m. Karen �������������������������� ��> Salena Dianne Morrow ���������������������������� > Jamie Lynn Morrow �������������*daughter; Theresa Ann Morrow ���������������������������� >Angela Joy Morrow ���������������������������� >Jeremy Lloyd Morrow ������������������������������� �m. Serena witherington ����������������������������������� � >>boy ����������������������������������� � >>boy � �Leon Morrow (b.1931 d.1980 ? ) m. Eunice Yvonne Minchew����� ������������ *Joel Morrow b. 1958 �������������� m. Deborah Mosley ������������������� (2 sons) ������������ *Audrey Yvonne Morrow b.? ��������������� m. Robert Kimbler �������������������� >Jason Kimbler ����������������������� m. Amanda Steadham ������������������������� >>Kiera Kimbler ����������������������> Jarod Kimbler ����������������������> John Kimbler ����������������������> Jennifer Kimbler ������������������������� >>Hailey Kimbler ����������������������>Jade Kimbler ������������������������� �>>baby girl ����������������������>Jacob Kimbler � Lela Della Morrow (b.Sep 4 1937�d.Nov 1 1997) m. Joseph Auffrey LeBlanc �������� * Mona LeBlanc �������� *Shelby LeBlanc �������� *Jolie LeBlanc �������� *Wendy LeBlanc �������� *Kimberly LeBlanc � Lopez Morrow (b.1921 d.?) m. Agnes King

  • no children

From: Subject: Re: Re: Nix Descendants Date: January 14, 2007 10:19:43 AM CST To: Dalton, �Thank you very much for your response.I'm afraid I don't know much about the move to South Alabama , except that Mark Morrow (Pinkey Nix's husband)�had family there. I will keep searching for the answer and let you know as soon as I find out. ���������� �I am very interested in any details you may want to share . I have only been researching our family history for a few months so I have very little information other than the more recent decendants. I�have , however, discovered a small glitch in Pinkey's marriage to Mark. I have found her name in two seperate census in the same year. In one she is living� with her parents and is listed as "divorced" and in the other , dated 4 days later, she is in another state , married to another man , but when she passed away she was again married to my grandfather. It's quite an inigma.�I'm hoping you may be able to shed a little light on the subject and have attatched the two census forms in question. �� �I can� give you some if not most�of the names and dates associated with Pinkey's children and grandchildren. Brace yourself, there are quite a lot of us. Bare with me, we are a wide spread group and have unfortunately lost contact over the years so as yet I haven't collected as much of the dates as I would like.. � �Mark and Pinkey's children are as Follows, I don't have all of thier dates yet but will send them to you as soon as I get them all. Thank you so much for your time and help. I know how tideous this kind of thing is and want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate it. �Paula Tillie Dalton, �Thank you very much for your response.I'm afraid I don't know much about the move to South Alabama , except that Mark Morrow (Pinkey Nix's husband)�had family there. I will keep searching for the answer and let you know as soon as I find out. ���������� �I am very interested in any details you may want to share . I have only been researching our family history for a few months so I have very little information other than the more recent decendants. I�have , however, discovered a small glitch in Pinkey's marriage to Mark. I have found her name in two seperate census in the same year. In one she is living� with her parents and is listed as "divorced" and in the other , dated 4 days later, she is in another state , married to another man , but when she passed away she was again married to my grandfather. It's quite an inigma.�I'm hoping you may be able to shed a little light on the subject and have attatched the two census forms in question. �� �I can� give you some if not most�of the names and dates associated with Pinkey's children and grandchildren. Brace yourself, there are quite a lot of us. Bare with me, we are a wide spread group and have unfortunately lost contact over the years so as yet I haven't collected as much of the dates as I would like.. � �Mark and Pinkey's children are as Follows, I don't have all of thier dates yet but will send them to you as soon as I get them all. Thank you so much for your time and help. I know how tideous this kind of thing is and want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate it. �Paula Tillie � Flavius Morrow (burried in Stapleton,Al.)�m. Wilda May Paul on Jan.7 1960 ������������� � * son; Gregory Lee Morrow b.May 20 1960 ��������������� �*daughter; Susan Carole Morrow�b. Aug 25 1963 ��������������������� ���������� m.Walter Eugene Stone in 1982 ������������������������������������� >Christopher Daniel Stone��� b. Dec 23 1982 ��������������������������� ����������� m.Valerie ���������������������������������������������>>Christopher Thomas Stone ���������������������������������������������>>Joseph Daniel Stone ���������������������������������������>Casey Levy Stone b.Apr 24 1986 �������������������*daughter;Mary Joanne Morrow b. June 3 1965 ������������������ *daughter;Crystal Dianne Morrow b. Jan 19 1972 ���������������������������������� m. John Jason Brill ����������������������������������������> Falycia Ryan Brill b. May 21 1990 ����������������������������������������>Falyn Deann Brill b. May 21 1990 ������������������������������������m.Eric Edward Watts �����������������������������������������> Alan Seth Watts �����������������������������������������> Kaitlyn Paige Watts ���������������� *daughter; Terri Ann Morrow b.May 23 1973 ���������������������������������� m.David Brent Goodwin Apr.22 1995 �������������������������������������� >Taylor Lee Goodwin b.Dec 12 1993 ���������������������������������������>Ashley Rebecca Goodwin b.Sep 23 1995� d.Aug.24 1998 �������������������������������������� >Thomas Brent Goodwin ����������������� *daughter;Paula Jenae't Morrow b. May 5 1975 ��������������������������������� m. Michael Jason Tillie Dec 30 1995 ��������������������������������������� >Damien Rkane Kendrick b. Sep 7 1992 ����������������������������������������> Bradley Andrew Tillie b. Sep 14 1998 ������������������ *daughter; Valerie Nicole Morrow b. Feb14 1977 ����������������������������������� m.Charles Hajdik ����������������������������������������> Charity Nicole Hajdik b. July 18 1998 ����������������������������������� m.Michael Brian Hunter ��������������������������������������� >Brian Michael Hunter � �Bertha Faye Morrow� (b. ?� d.? burried in Stapleton Al.)m.Stanley B Funk ������������ *daughter; Linda Funk � �Lloyd Morrow (b. ? d. ?)� m. Annie Melva Paul ����������� *son;Randall Lloyd Morrow b. ?� d. ? ������������* son;James Richard Morrow b. ? ���������������������� m. Karen �������������������������� ��> Salena Dianne Morrow ���������������������������� > Jamie Lynn Morrow �������������*daughter; Theresa Ann Morrow ���������������������������� >Angela Joy Morrow ���������������������������� >Jeremy Lloyd Morrow ������������������������������� �m. Serena witherington ����������������������������������� � >>boy ����������������������������������� � >>boy � �Leon Morrow (b.1931 d.1980 ? ) m. Eunice Yvonne Minchew����� ������������ *Joel Morrow b. 1958 �������������� m. Deborah Mosley ������������������� (2 sons) ������������ *Audrey Yvonne Morrow b.? ��������������� m. Robert Kimbler �������������������� >Jason Kimbler ����������������������� m. Amanda Steadham ������������������������� >>Kiera Kimbler ����������������������> Jarod Kimbler ����������������������> John Kimbler ����������������������> Jennifer Kimbler ������������������������� >>Hailey Kimbler ����������������������>Jade Kimbler ������������������������� �>>baby girl ����������������������>Jacob Kimbler � Lela Della Morrow (b.Sep 4 1937�d.Nov 1 1997) m. Joseph Auffrey LeBlanc �������� * Mona LeBlanc �������� *Shelby LeBlanc �������� *Jolie LeBlanc �������� *Wendy LeBlanc �������� *Kimberly LeBlanc � Lopez Morrow (b.1921 d.?) m. Agnes King

  • no children
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Lloyd Morrow, in Find A Grave.