Person:John Stewart (15)

b.Abt 1795 SC
  • HJohn STEWARTAbt 1795 - Abt 1855
  • WElizabeth _____Abt 1795 - Abt 1855
  1. Alexander STEWART1823 - 1880
Facts and Events
Name[1] John STEWART
Gender Male
Birth[2] Abt 1795 SC
Marriage to Elizabeth _____
Death? Abt 1855 Lawrence/Richland Co., IL

Probate of John Stewart, Box 3, Richland County, Illinois Concerns the Guardianship of Alexander Stewart of the Leasorheirs

Item #1 Of the March Term of the Richland County Court, sitting in and for Probate matters. A. D. 1857 State of Illinois Richland County Your Petitioner Alexander Stewart, would represent unto your Honor that there is personal Estate in the County afore- said to the amt of $200, and upwards, due the following minor Heirs, viz, John Henry Leezer, aged 12 years, Andrew Jackson Leezer aged 9 years & Eliza Jane Leezer, aged seven years who reside at the present time in the State of Ohio, and are without a guardian in this State. And inasmuch as there is no person authorized to collect or receive said money, Your Petitioner would Herefore pray that a guardian be appointed for said Heirs in this County to collect any and all moneys due said minors. That he be required to enter into Bond Alexander Stewart by S. E. Kitchell? Appoint Alexander Stewart

Item #2 The undersigned as Guardian of the Heirs of John Stewart decd viz the children of Wm. H. Lezer would respectfully represent to the court that he has collec ted and belonging to his wards the sum of $186.00 and asks to have the sum entered of record July 13" 1857 his Alexander X Stewart Guard. mark

Item #3 The undersigned Guardian of the heirs of John Stewart Sen. decd and children of Mary Leaser his daughter, would respect fully report, that he stands charged on the account current with $308.50 The amount belonging to said wards, The same having been placed at interest Since the 16" Sept. 1858 at ten per cent making 197.00

with which interest he asks to be charged Respectfully Submitted Alex Stewart

Item #4 To the County Court at the March term AD 1859 The undersigned Guardian of the heirs of John Stewart decd and children of Mary A. Leasor would represent that he has loaned the funds that have come into his hands and belonging to said Heirs to G. W. Sanders and Wm. Musgrove the 16" September 1858 and for twelve months from date with ten per cent interest said Note being for the sum of $203.50 and one for $105.00 on same Alex Stewart Guard.

Item #5 Recd. of A. Stewart Guard. of J. Stewart heirs and children of Mary A Leasor five 70/100 dollars as Co Clerks fees March 14" 1859 J. Hofman Ck

Items #6 To the county court at the March term 1859 The undersigned Guar dian of the heirs of John Stewart, and children of Mary A Leasor would respect fully report that he has received $110.70 of the admer. of J Stewart Estate in money belonging to said heirs and out of which he has paid $5.70 leaving $105.00 herewith filing Clerks recpt for said amt and asks that this his report be entered of record March 14" 1859 his Alexander X Stewart mark Guard.

Item #7 The undersigned Guardian of the heirs of John Stewart Sen. decd. and children of his daughter Mary A Leasor, would respectfully report that he stands charged on the account current & the records of this court with the following amounts viz Vol 3 page 45 with $186.00 Vol 3 page 132 with 110.70 and with interest on above 11.80 and by his report at -- the previous term of this court with 197.00 making a total of $505.50 which amount having been reloaned at 10 per cent interest & for which principle and interest said Guardian together with his securities hold themselves responsible and prepared to give an account by the first notice said Guardian asks a credit of Six per cent on the above amount making $30.30 also for two report 2.00 $32.30 Alex Stewart Guard etc

On back of paper:

A. Stewart Guard. etc. of M. A. Leasor


Filed Feby 17th 1864

Item #8 $370.37 Received of Alexander Stewart Guardian of the heirs of John Stewart Sen. deceased, and children of his Daughter Mary A. Leasor, the sum of three hundred seventy dollars and thirty seven cents, in full of my distributive share of the Estate of Said decedent. this 28" day of May 1868 John H. Leasor

Item #9 To the Hon. James Wright Judge of the County Court The undersigned Guardian of the Heirs of John Stewart Sen and Children of his daughter Mary A Leasor would respectfully report that he has Collected in Interest Since his last report in Febry 18" AD 1864 the Sum of $279.89 That he has Paid W. T. Shelby Clerk fees etc. $3.15 J. N. Johnson Clerk fees etc. 1.50 4.65 Balance $275.24 which he asks to be Charged with on the Records of this Court All of which is Submitteed Attest his W. J. Shelby Alex X Stewart mark Guar

On back of document:

Report Alex Stewart Guard of M. A. Leasors Heirs

Filed July 21" 1868

Approved & ordered to be recorded July 21" 1868

Item #10 To the Hon. James Wright Judge of the County Court of said Richland County The undersigned Guardian of John H Leasor & Eliza J Leasor Children of Mary A. Leasor decd and Heirs of John Stewart Se decd Would respectfully make this his final report as to John H. Leasan one of his Said wards he being now of Lawful age, That there is due his Said wards after paing all Costs & expenses the Sum of $740.74 That he has paid John H. Leasor in full of his one half Sheare as per his resept here with filed the sum of $370.37 Which leave in his hands the Sum of $370.37 which

belongs to his Minor Ward Eliza J. Leasor. All of which is respect fully Submitted, and would aske the Court to approve this report and finley and fully dicharge him as to John H Leasor one of his Said ward Attest his W. T. Shelby Alex X Stewart mark Guardian State of Illinois Richland County I Alex Stewart Guardian do Solemly swear that the account that I have this day rendered contains a just and true account of the moneys which I have expended for John H. Leasor one of my Said wards for whom I am Guardian and also all claims which I have against Said Minor his Alex X Stewart Guardian mark Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21" 1868 James Wright J. P.

On back of document:

Vol 6 15 Rept Alex Stewart Guard of M. A. Lea--- Heirs

Filed July 21" 186-

Approved & ordered to be recorded July 21" 1868

Item #11 $1.50 Recd Olney Ills July 21" 1868 of Alex Stewart Guard of Joh & Eliza J. Leasors the Sum of one dollar & fifty cts as clks fees J. N. Johnson

Item #12 $3.15 Recd of Alex Stewart Guardian etc. in full of fees etc. Three 15/100 dollars Olney July 21" 1868 W. T. Shelby ------- Clerk

Item #13 Note: A printed form with blanks filled in

Guardian's Letters The State of Ohio, Mercer County Know Ye, that the Probate Court, within and for said county,doth hereby grant the Guardianship of Sarah E. J. Leaser, aged sixteen years January 4th, 1868 minor child of Henry W. Leasor of said county, unto said Henry W. Leasor her father who is hereby fully empowered and authorized to do and perform all and singular duties.........................

Witness, R. G. Blake, Judge of said Court, this 15th day of October A. D. 1868 R. G. Blake, Probate Judge By Seth S. Snyder, Deputy

Item #14 $100 Recd Olney October 27" 1868 of Alex Stewart Guardian of Sarah E J Leasor Heire of John Stewart Sr decd One hundred Dollars Henry W. Leasor Attest Guardian W. T. Shelby S. E. J. Leasor

Item #15 $2.00 Recd of Alex Stewart Guarding of Sarah E. J. Leasor the sum of two Dollars My fees in full this 23rd day of June 1869 J. N. Johnson

Item #16 To the Hon James Wright Judge of the County Court The undersigned Guardian of Eliza J Leasor heir of John Stewart Sr decd would respectfully report that he has Collected Interest belonging to his Said ward

Since his last report the Sume of $25.00 which he askes to be charged with on the Records of this Court his Alex X Stewart mark Guardian June 23" AD 1869

On back of document:

Report of Alexander Stewart, guardian of Sarah Eliza J. Leasor heir of John Stewart Sen decd

Filed June 23" 1869

Approved & ordered to be recorded June 23" 1869

Item #17 To the Hon James Wright Judge of the County Court The undersigned Guardian of Eliza J Leasor and heir of John Stewart Sr decd would Respectfully make this his final report in the matter of his Guardianship. That he has paid J R Johns Clerks fee in full $2.00 To making reports 2.00 That he has paid Henry W. Leasor her Father who has been duly appointed Guardian for Said Ward by the Probate Court of Mercer County Ohio a Copy of which appointment is herewith filed the Sume of 393..33 as per vouchers herewith filed. $397.33 Having fully Settled Said Guardianship would aske to be fully and finly discharged All of which is Respectfully Submitted

his Alexander X Stewart mark Guardian State of Illinois In County Court June term 1869 Richland County I Alexander Stewart, do solemly swear that the account I have this day rendered, containes a just and true account of the moneys which I have expended for Sarah Eliza J. Leasor, a minor for whom I am guardian, and also all claims which I have against said minor, so help me God. his Alexander X Stewart Guardian mark Subscribed and Sworn to this 23rd day of June 1860 James Wright J. P.

On back of document:

Vol 6-135 Report of Alexander Stewart, guardian of Sarah Eliza J. Stewart heir of John Stewart decd

Filed June 23" 1869

Approved & ordered to be recorded June 23 rd 1869

Item #18 $293.33 Received of Alexander Stewart of Richland County, Illinois and former guardian of Sarah Eliza J. Leasor, two hundred and ninety- three dollars & 33/100 in fill of amount in his hands due said ward to this date. Mercer County, Ohio this tenth day of July 1869 Henry W. Leasor Guardian

Document list for the Probate of John Stewart, Box 3, RichlandCounty, Illinois Concerning the Guardianship of Alexander Stewart for the LeasorHeirs

1. Petition to Court for Guardianship-March, 1857 2. Receipt, Alex. Stewart to Court, received $186.00----July 13,1857 3. Court Report, amount on hand and amount earned-1858? 4. Court Report, Accounting and loans-March 1859 5. Receipt, Clerks fees-March 14, 1859 6. Court Report, Accounting---March 1859 7. Court Report, Accounting, interest earned, etc.---Feb. 17,1864 8. Receipt, John H. Leasor of $370.37---May 18, 1868 9. Court Report, Accounting, Expenses, etc. ----July 21, 1868 10. Court Report, Final Report on John H. Leasor and accountingfor Sarah Leasor---July 21, 1868 11. Receipt, Clerks fee---July 21, 1868 12. Receipt, Clerks fee-July 21, 1868 13. Guardian's Letters from Mercer County, Ohio appointing HenryLeasor as guardian of Sarah Leasor----October 15, 1868 14. Receipt, from Henry Leasor for $100.00---October 27, 1868 15. Receipt, Clerks fee-June 23, 1869 16. Court Report, interest collected---June 23, 1869 17. Court Report, final report asking to be released fromGuardianship---June 23, 1869 18. Receipt, from Henry Leasor for $293.33---July 10, 1869

  1. Winn, Louisiana, United States. GenWeb.
  2. Winn, Louisiana, United States. GenWeb.