Person:John Pinnell (1)

John Pinnell
Facts and Events
Name John Pinnell
Gender Male
Will[1] 25 Jan 1823 Westwell, Oxfordshire, England
Marriage to Elizabeth Heydon
  1. United Kingdom. National Archives: Access to Archives (A2A). (National Archives (United Kingdom)).

    Copy/Will. Hey/X/ix/26 will - 25th January, 1823. probate - 9th January, 1829


    PARTIES: 1. John Pinnell the elder of Westwell, Oxford, gent.
    SUBJECT OF TRANSACTION: (Inter alia) debts not secured by mortgage to be paid by 1.'s executors out of 1.'s personal estate
    to wife Elizabeth £100
    to son John Pinnell (subject to his choice in either of the estates devised by 1. in lieu of the one now devised) all 1.'s freehold and leasehold messuages farm lands etc. in Holwell which 1. lately purchased of John Bagnall and which was conveyed to 1. on 22 Sept. 1822 and now in occup. of 1. - to hold to 1.'s son John according to the nature of the said estates subject to the moiety of mortgage of £18,000 secured together with other lands belonging to 1. in Holwell to Richard Heydon and to payment of annuity of £50 charged by 1. thereon to wife Elizabeth for life an annuity of £50 charged on the previously described premises
    If 1.'s son John shall not feel satisfied with the before mentioned estate the n 1. directs that he shall make his choice of either of 3 other estates devised to 1.'s sons Thomas and Richard and to 1.'s dau. Ann to son Thomas Pinnell all 1.'s freehold and leasehold messuage or tenements and farm lands etc. in Holwell called the Holwell Downs Estate and now in 1.'s occup. and which was formerly (together with the last devised estate) purchased by 1. and John Bagnall from P. Crauford Bruce and which was divided between 1. and John Bagnall by a Deed of Partition - to hold to 1.'s son Thomas for ever according to the nature of the estates but charged with the other moiety of the mortgage of £18,000 and to the payment of an annuity of £50 devised by 1.
    1. devises to 1.'s wife Elizabeth one other annuity of £50 during her life out of the premises devised to 1.'s son Thomas and if 1.'s son Thomas shall not feel satisfied with the estate devised to him he may (after 1.'s son John has had his choice) make his choice of either of the 3 remaining estates devised by 1.
    to son Richard Pinnell all.1's copyhold, lifehold and leasehold messuages or tenements farm lands etc. with their appurts. which 1. holds under the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church College, Oxford situate in Westwell - subject to the payment of £1,000 to 1.'s executors and also subject to an annuity of £50 charged by 1. thereon as below
    to wife Elizabeth one other annuity of £50 for life charged on the premises devised to 1.'s son Richard and if 1.'s son Richard shall not feel satisfied with the premises devised to him then he may make his choice (after 1.'s sons John and Thomas have made their choice) of the 2 remaining estates devised by 1.'s will.
    1. purchased from John Tuckell and the late Benjamin Waters certain freehold, lifehold and leasehold messuages or tenements farm lands and heredits. at Fulbrook but the same have not yet been conveyed to 1. 1. devises these premises (now in the occup. of 1.) to 1.'s dau. Ann Pinnell her heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever. subject to the payment of an annuity of £50 devised by 1. as below
    1. devises to 1.'s wife Elizabeth another annuity of £50 for her life payable out of the said premises in Fulbrook and if the purchase of the Fulbrook premises shall not be completed in the lifetime of 1. 1. directs that the purchase shall be completed for the benefit of 1.'s said dau. Ann.
    1. also devises to 1.'s eldest son John Pinnell all 1.'s freehold messuages or tenements and premises which 1. purchased of Edward William Leyborne and John Bagnall in Westwell - to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever in compensation of his interest in certain property lately sold by 1. situate at Lambourne, Berks.
    Valuation to be made after 1.'s d. of 1.'s [...] animals and farming stock also furniture late linen and wine and 1.'s executors to stand possessed of the same together with all other 1.'s personal estate in trust for payment of 1.'s debts (not included on mortgage) and 1.'s executors to divide the residue equally between 1.'s 3 sons John, Thomas and Richard and 1.'s dau. Ann
    Appoints sons John And Thomas his executors and states that they can ask advice from John Wells, and Humphrey Tuckewll and 1.'s bro. in law Mr. M.C. Radway (?).
    ENDORSEMENTS: (c) Other endorsements: Examined with original probate and found to be a true copy. 19 Dec. 1838.
    REMARKS: Cat. nos. Hey/X/ix/28,32 attached.