Person:John Meeker (2)

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John Meeker
b.Est 1655
m. 16 Sep 1651
  1. John MeekerEst 1655 - Abt 1727
  2. Mary MeekerEst 1660 -
  3. Daniel MeekerEst 1662 - 1716
Facts and Events
Name John Meeker
Gender Male
Birth[2] Est 1655
Marriage to Elizabeth _____
Death[1] Abt 1727 Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
  1. Jacobus, Donald Lines. History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield. (New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, 1930-1932)

    'Meeker, John, s. of Robert.
    Married Elizabeth ------, who was bapt. at Fairfield Church, 1 Mar. 1695 [1695/6].
    Will 26 Jan. 1721/2, proved 6 June 1727; wife Elizabeth; ...'

  2. Birth year estimated based on marriage date of his parents, and the fact that he appears to have been the oldest (surviving) son.