Person:John Langton (13)

John Langton
b.Abt 1682
d.Abt 1690
  1. John LangtonAbt 1682 - Abt 1690
Facts and Events
Name[1] John Langton
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 1682
Death[1] Abt 1690
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 John Langton, in Manwaring, Charles W. A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records. (Hartford, Conn.: R. S. Peck & Co., 1904-06)
    1:328, 438.

    [From the probate of his father, John Langton, the wife/mother is not named in the probate, and must have died previous to John.]
    John Langton left a son John Langton about 13 moneths old.
    18 December, 1683 : Adms. of the Estate to Deacon John Langton. ... the Estate is by this Court given to John Langton, son of the decd, at the age of 21 years ; & if he die before that age, to be equally divided amongst Deacon Langton's children then surviving.
    [From the probate of his grandfather Dea. John Langton]
    6 November, 1689 : This Court doe leave wth Capt. Stanly & Samuel Cowles, as Overseers, the child of John Langton. The Child and his Estate to be disposed of for his bringing up, and we are willing the Boy's Aunt should keep the Boy and have the benefit of his Estate towards it.
    5 November, 1690: Whereas, it appears the Boy John Langton had died, this Court grant Letters of Adms. to his Aunt Elizabeth Langton, and order the whole Estate to her as next of kin to the deceased.