Person:John, Count Palatine of Neumarkt (1)

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John _____, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
d.14 Mar 1443
m. 15 Mar 1407
  1. Christopher of Bavaria1416 - 1448
Facts and Events
Name John _____, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1383
Marriage 15 Mar 1407 to Catherine of Pomerania, Countess Palatine of Neumarkt
Marriage to Beatrix von Bayern
Death[1] 14 Mar 1443
Reference Number? Q65946

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

John (Johann von Pfalz-Neumarkt; 1383 – 14 March 1443) was the Count Palatine of Neumarkt from 1410 to his death. The son of Rupert III of the Palatinate, he married Catherine of Pomerania in 1407. He is mainly known for his crushing victory against the Hussites at the Battle of Hiltersried in 1433.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 John, Count Palatine of Neumarkt, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.