Person:Johan Stockslager (1)

Johan Phillip Stockslager
Facts and Events
Name[1] Johan Phillip Stockslager
Gender Male
Birth? Abt Aug 1744 Berks, Pennsylvania, United States
Marriage Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesto Magdelena Bauman
Military[3] Rev war -
Occupation[3] Building Trades
Other[4] 6 Aug 1785 Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United Statesreceived a land warrant for 150 acres.
Death[2] 26 Feb 1824 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Burial? Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United StatesSt. Mary's Catholic Church
Religion[3] Catholic

Philip was a Revolutionary War Veteran. He does have a DAR number. The DAR Patriot Index lists Philip as Ps, Pa.

Text of will of Philip Stocksleger:

In the name of God amen! I Philip Stocksleger of the City of Lancaster in the county of Lancaster and state of Pennsylvania, yeoman, being far advanced in years, but in health and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner following, to wit. I commend my soul to God, and my body I commend to the earth to be decently interred, as my Executors shall direct in humble hope of a glorious resurrection, and a happy admission in and through the merits of my Mediator and Redeemer Jesus Christ into the regions of immortal bliss and glory, and as to such worldly estate, wherewith God hath blessed me, I do dispose of and give devise and bequeath the same in manner following, to wit - Imprimis, It is my will, and I do order and direct, that my just debts and funeral expences be paid and satisfied, as soon as conveniently may be done after my decease. Item. I do give and bequeath unto my sons John Stocksleger and Peter Stocksleger the sum of one dollar each, in full of and for their several and respective parts or shares, and all claims and demands whatsoever of in and to my estate. Item. I do hereby authorize, direct and impower my Executors hereinafter named, or the survivor of them, as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, either by public sale or vendue or by private contract as to them shall seem most for the advantage of my estate, to sell and dispose of all this my dwelling house wherein I now reside, and the lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging situate on Church street, in that part of the said City of Lancaster which is called Adams Town, with all the rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereon and thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and to sign, seal and as their or his act and deed, to deliver and lawful or reasonable deed or deeds, grants, conveyances or assurances, whatsoever for conveying and assuring the fee simple and inheritance of the said dwelling house and lot or piece of ground, hereby ordered to be sold, with the appurtenances unto and to the use and behoff of the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his, her or their heirs and assigns forever. Item. As to the monies arising from the sale of my dwelling house and lot or piece of ground here in before directed to be sold, and as for and concerning all my monies, goods, chattles, effects and personal estate, or moveable property, I do give and bequeath the same in manner following, to wit, one equal third part thereof I do give and bequeath unto my daughter, Christina, the wife of Conrad Anne, or her legal heirs or representatives; one other equal third part thereof I do give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Margaret Chew, Lemuel Chew and Magdalena Chew the three children of my late daughter Catharine Chew deceased, to be equally divided between them my said three Grandchildren, or their respective legal representatives; and the other equal third part thereof I do give and bequeath unto and to the use of my daughter Elizabeth Wallace under the restrictions hereinafter mentioned and expressed. Item. It being my intention that the legacies and parts of my estate herein given to my daughter Elizabeth shall be for her sole and separate use, and in no sort subject to the control of her present husband, Benjamin Wallace nor in any manner liable to his debts or contracts, it is therefore my will, and I do order and direct, that my Executors or the survivor of them, do take, receive and detail all monies and estates, which in and by this my will are devised, given or bequeathed to or for the use of my said daughter Elizabeth, and that they place the same at interest as her trustees for her separate and sole use and benefits and pay to her the interest and such parts of the principal from time to time as they shall think her necessities may require, taking her receipts which shall be sufficient discharges for the suns specified in such receipts, and in case my said daughter shall survive the said Benjamin Wallace, then my will is that my said Executors or the survivor of them do pay and deliver such monies and estate as shall then remain in their hands belonging to or for the use of my said daughter unto her my said daughter Elizabeth to dispose of at her will and pleasure; but if she shall hapen to die before her said husband Benjamin Wallace, leaving issue, then and in that case it is my will and I do order and direct, that the same monies and estate, then in their hands be continued at interest of the use and benefit of such child or children of said daughter and if more than one be equally divided between them and payable to them severally as they successively attain the age of twenty one years. And in case my said daughter should die without issue in the lifetime of her said husband, then it is my will that the monies and estate of my said daughter, then in the hands of my said Executors or the survivor of them, shall be equally divided to and amongst my said daughter Christina or her legal representatives, and the said children of my late daughter Catharine or the survivors or survivor of them, allowing my said Grandchildren an equal share thereof to be equally divided between them or the survivors of them. And lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my trusty friends Amie LeBreton and George Daly both of the said City of Lancaster and the survivor of them Executors and Executor of this my last will and Testament, and Guardians and Guardian over the monies and estate coming under this my will, unto the children of my said late daughter Catharine, during their minority respectively; and also Guardian and Guardians over such monies and estate as under this my will may happen to descend come or belong to any child or children of my said daughter Elizabeth during the minority of such child or children; Hereby revoking all former and other will or wills, Testament or Testaments by me made, and declaring this and no other to be and contain my last will and Testament. In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

The will was witnessed by Adam Metzger, Anthony Hooke and Philip Gloninger. The will was presented for probate on May 15, 1824. Letters Testamentary were granted to George Daly. Amie LeBretonrenounced.

Phillip appears to have taken his oath of allefiance on June 13, 1777 in Lancaster Co., PA. This from "Lancaster Co., PA Deed Abstracts and Oath of Allegiance"

Found at ST. MARY'S, LANCASTER, PA MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS, BURIALS 1787-1804 LOUGHRAN, James, 7 Feb 1804, lawful son of James Loughran and Maria Stamers; sponsors Philip Stocksleger and Magdalena Baum, alias Stocksleger. PAUL, Margaret, A.D. 1796, b 2 Dec, bapt 6 July 1797, lawful daughter of James and Maria Paul; sponsors Philip and Magdalena Stocksleger. STOCKSLEGER, Catharine, A.D. 1799, b 7 May, lawful daughter of John and Barbara Stocksleger, bapt 16 June; sponsors Peter Stocksleger and Magdalena Stocksleger. STOCKSLAYER, Mary Catharine, 7 May 1787, lawful daughter of Philip Stockslayer and Dame Magdalena Bauman; sponsor Mary Catharine Ridner/Rittner?. Born 17 April. STOKSLETRE/STOCKSLEGER?, Francis Joseph, bapt 22 Aug 1795, son of Phililp Stoksletre and his wife Magdalena; godfather Francis Joseph Hirt.

Information can be found at

  1. Michael C. Reeb. Stockslager Family 1650-1850 American Pioneers
    p. 12, 14.
  2. Michael C. Reeb. Stockslager Family 1650-1850 American Pioneers
    p. 28.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Michael C. Reeb. Stockslager Family 1650-1850 American Pioneers
    p. 27.
  4. Michael C. Reeb. Stockslager Family 1650-1850 American Pioneers