Person:Issac Knighton (2)

Issac Knighton
b.Abt 1755 South Carolina
bur.28 Dec 1824
  1. Issac KnightonAbt 1755 - 1824
  2. Thomas KNIGHTONAbt 1755 - 1827
  3. Martha (Patsy) KNIGHTON1758 - 1830
  4. Nancy KnightonEst 1760 - 1840
  5. Josiah Knighton1762 - Bet 1829 & 1830
  6. Ailsey KNIGHTON1764 - 1820
  7. Joseph KNIGHTON1767 - 1837
  8. Jesse KnightonAbt 1771 - Bet 1835 & 1836
  • HIssac KnightonAbt 1755 - 1824
m. Abt 1773
  1. Mary "Polly" KnightonAbt 1774 - Abt 1784
  2. Priscilla KnightonAbt 1774 - Abt 1784
  3. Winifred KnightonAbt 1780 -
  4. Francis KnightonAbt 1783 -
  5. Richard Ransom KnightonAbt 1784 - 1817
  6. Elizabeth KnightonAbt 1794 - Abt 1800
  7. Martha KnightonAbt 1794 -
m. 18 Jan 1811
  1. Cynthia Maria Knighton1813 -
Facts and Events
Name[1] Issac Knighton
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1755 South Carolina
Marriage Abt 1773 South Carolina, United Statesto Unknown
Marriage 18 Jan 1811 South Carolina, United States[she is the widow Goodbold]
to Elizabeth Evans
Burial[1] 28 Dec 1824 Chestnut Meeting House, John Hood Minister
  1. 1.0 1.1 Gene Allred Research. Gene Allred Research.

    Census Date State County Page House
    1790 SC Fairfield
    1800 SC Fairfield 238
    1810 SC Fairfield 183
    1820 SC Fairfield 149
    1830 SC Fairfield 365

    About1778 Isaac served 16 days service in the light horse under Lieut. Hollis. Later he served 38 days in the foot under the command of Capt. Lewis. File #4358, Entry #0015 003 0085 00161 00 (1)

    On June 21,1782 at the disposal of the estate of Thomas Miles. The administrator was Isaac Knighton ?(Sr or Jr). The appraisement was done by Moses Knighton and others. The estate was sold to others plus: Isaac, Thomas, Sarah, Moses and Ales..(2)

    The State of South Carolina / Isaac Knighton Jr.

    To 16 days service in the light horse under command of Lieut. Hollis.
    To 38 days service in the foot under command of Capt. Lewis.

    Personaly appeared Isaac Knighton Jun & made oath that the State is justly in due him for the above mentioned services.

    Sworn before me this 6th day of December 1782. Charles Pickett
    I certify the above services ...?... John Hollis Lieut.

    South Carolina

    Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly passed 16th of March,1783 We the COMMISSIONERS of the TREASURY, have this day delivered to MR. ISAAC KNIGHTON this our INDENTED CERTIFICATE, in the sum of:

    Five pounds sterling for military duty & account audited

    The said Isaac Knighton his executors, Administrators, or assigns, will be entitled to receive from this office the sum of one shilling and six pence sterling on demand for one year's interest on the principal sum of one pound two shillings and ten pence and the like interest annually.
    The said Isaac Knighten his executors, Administrators or assigns, will be entitled also to receive, and shall be paid, if demanded, the principal sum of Five Pounds on the twenty fifth May 1787.
    And the said Isaac Knighten his executors, Administrators or assigns, may make any purchases at any Public Sales of Confiscated Property, (except such as shall be ordered by the Legislature for special purposes;) and this Indent shall be received in payment.
    For the true performance of the several Payments in manner above-mentioned the PUBLIC TREASURY is made liable, and the faith of the STATE pledged by the aforesaid ACT.

    GIVEN under our hand at the TREASURY-OFFICE, in CHARLESTON, the twenty fifth day of May one
    thousand seven hundred and eighty five.

    L5.0.0 Principal
    L0.7.0 Interest Edward Blake, Peter Boequet Commissioners of the Treasury

    No. 521, Book 2

    January 19,1795 Ordered that Isaac Knighton be appointed overseer on the road called Jone's road from the ford of Dutchman's Creek down to county line. (3)

    John Calvert to Isaac Knighton Indenture

    THIS INDENTURE made the ninth day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven, Know all men by these presents that I John Calvit of Fairfield County and State aforesaid for and in consideration of thirty three ponds ten shillings sterling to me in hand paid by Isaac Knighton of county and state aforesaid have granted bargained and released and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Isaac Knighten all that tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres more or less situated lying and being on both sides Colonels Creek.
    Recorded Book L Page 66-67 September 25,1797
    South Carolina
    I do hereby certify for Isaac Knighton a Tract of land containing one hundred and nine acres (surveyed for him 7th April 1804 Situated in Fairfield District on the waters of Colonels Creek a Branch of the Wateree River having such shape and forms as the above plat represents Given under my hand 11th Augt 1804.

    Francis Long DS John Bynum
    Surv Genl
    Recorded Vol. 40 page 291 August 11,1804 State Series


    To all to whome these presents shall come, Greeting:

    KNOW YE, That in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature. entilted "An Act for establishing the mode of "granting the lands now vacant in this State, and for allowing a "commutation to be issued for some lands that have been granted," passed the 19th day of February, 1791;
    WE HAVE GRANTED, and by these presents DO GRANT unto Isaac Knighton his heirs and assigns, a plantation or tract of land, containing one hundred and nine acres. Surveyed for him the 7th day of April 1804 situate in the District of Fairfield on the waters of Cols Creek waters of the Wateree River.

    Recorded Vol. 50 page 421 Sept. 3,1804 State land grant series

    Isaac Knighton and Elizabeth Godbold January 8,1811


    Articals of agreement entered into and retified the eighth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven between Isaac Knighton of the District of Fairfield and State aforesaid and Elizabeth Goodbold of said State and District WITNESSTH that the said Isaac and Elizabeth have concluded a purpose of mariage and agreed to enter into the holy Bonds of Matrimony and whereas it hath pleased God to bestow upon each of the above parties a tolerable portion of the goods of this world and having Lawful heirs by a former Mariage or ................. desire the right of desposial each of their own property as they may think proper eighter in their life time or at the time of their death in as full and amekle a manner as if the intended marriage had never taken place and without hindrance or molestation each shall enjoy their own property which they may have whither real personally at the time of solemaising their marriage and do hereby bind ourselfs and each of ourheirs executors and administrators in the full and just sum of three thousand Dollars to me paid by either of the above contracting parties who shall default in strictly compasing with the true intent and meaning of this agreement and the money so forfited shall be paid unto the party which do faithfully comply with said articals.
    In Witness whereof thereunto set our hand and seals the day and year above written In presence of
    Alexander Crumpton Isaac Knighton (LS)
    Richard R. Knighton Elizabeth (x) Goodbold

    Fairfield District
    Personally appeared before me Ransom Knighton and after been duly sworn sayeth on oath that he saw the within Isaac Knighton and Elizabeth Goodbold sign seal and deliver the within articals of agreement for the use and purpose within mentioned and he further sayeth on oath that he saw Alexander Crumpton sign as a witness with himself sworn to this day of March 1812
    Alexander Crumpton JP Richard R. Knighton

    Recorded Book u page 273-4 April 14,1812

    Isaac Knighton to Mary (Knighton) Alexander August 18,1819

    State of South Carolina Kershaw District
    Know ye that I Isaac Knighton of the state and district aforesaid for divers good causes & valvable considerations and more espicially for the love and good will I have and do bear to my daughter Mary Alexander of the state and district aforesaid do give and grant and by these presents do give & grant a certain negro girl named Rachel.

    Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
    Derrell W. Hollis
    Levy Gogbold Isaac Knighten (LS)

    Recorded Book I page 133 September 20,1819

    Isaac Knighton to Francis Knighton September 20,1821

    State of South Carolina Fairfield District Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Knighton of the state and district aforesaid for and in consideration of the services rendered me by my daughter Francis Knighton in having taken care of and providing for my idiot daughter Martha Knighten for the four years past and in consideration of her having promised to continue to take care of and provide for my said idiot daughter Martha during her naturial life I do by these presents give and release unto my said daughter Francis Knighten in fee simple a certain negro women slave named Rhodah and her present child named Edmond.
    Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us.
    Presley F. Moore Isaac Knighten (LS)
    Darrel U. Hollis Francis (x) Knighten

    Recorded Book I page 450-451 Kershaw Co. January 15,1822

    Isaac Knighton to Elizabeth Knighton Relinquish her estate

    Fairfield District South Carolina
    To all whom these presents may come know ye that I Isaac Knighton of the State and District aforesaid in consideration of the Love and affection I do bear to my wife Elizabeth Knighton as well as to comply with a former contract I made with her. I do by these presents relinquish to her, her heirs and assigns all and singulare all her estate real personal and perishable tha she had when I married her like that she had at the time of our aforesaid marriage and aforesaid property to belong to the aforesaid Elizabeth Knighton to will and to do with as she may think proper at her death and I Isaac Knighton by these presents do defend the said Elizabeth Knighton in the right from against myself my heirs executors, administrators and assigns or any person claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof from my right they may claim under or from me this 10th day of October 1823

    Charles Slamaker Isaac Knighton
    Abner Rofs

    South Carolina | Personally appeared before me this 29th March 1824 Mr Charles Slamaker who has testified on Oath
    Fairfield District | that he saw Isaac Knighton sign the within Instrument for the purposes therein mentioned and that Abner Rofs together with himself witnessth the execution thereof.
    Charles Slamaker
    William Robertson J.P.

    Recorded Book EE page 289-290 March 31,1824

    Isaac Knighton .....Died intestate Fairfield County, S.C.

    His Estate filed 3 January 1825, Apt.55 pck 846
    by his son-in-law Thomas Cusack....Administrator
    Bond signed by John Robertson and James Goodwyn

    STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA } Warrants of Appraisement
    Fairfield District }
    By John Buchannan
    Ordinary of Fairfield District

    These are to authorize and empower you, or any three or four of you, whose names are here under written, to repair to all such parts and places within the District of Kershaw & state, as yoy shall be directed unto by, Thomas Cusack administrator of the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Isaac Knighton late of Fairfield district, deceased, wheresoever any of the said goods and chattels are or do remain within the said District of Kershaw, and which shall be shown unto youn by the said Thomas Cusack and there view and appraise all and every the said goods and chattels, being first duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, to make a true and perfect Inventory and appraisement thereof, and to Cause the same to be returned under your hands, or any three or four of you, untothe said Thomas Cusack on or before the third day of March next.

    WITNESS John Buchanan Esq. Ordinary of the said District, the third day of January in the year of our Lord
    one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and in the forty ninth yearof the American Independence.

    John Buchanan J O

    Memorandum-- That on the 5th day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five personally appeared before me William Robertson one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace in the District of Fairfield James Goodwyn Derrel U. Hollis & George Adams being three of the appraisers appointed to appraise the goods and chattels of Isaac Knighton deceased late of the said District, deceased, who being duly sworn, made oath, that they would make a just and true appraisement of all and singular, the goods and chattels of the said Isaac Knighton deceased, as shall be produced Thomas Cusack administrator of the estate of the said deceased, and that they would return the same, under their hands, unto the said Thomas Cusack on or before the rhird day of March next.

    Sworn the day and year above} Derrell U. Hollis
    written before me } James Goodwyn
    William Robertson J.P. } George Adams

    The Estate of ISAAC KNIGHTON

    Account #1 returned July 24,1826

    1825 To Thomas Cusack $
    January 24 To cash paid William Robertson for filling warrant of appraisement
    and Derrel paying appraisers 2.00
    2 1/2 gallons whiskey at 4/8 per gallon 2.50
    March 3 cash paid John Buchanan Esq 10.08 3/4
    12 ditto d d d d 1.00
    21 ditto d Richard B. Harrison store acct 15.23 1/2
    July 24 ditto d S A Perkins for copy deed 1.00
    August 24 ditto d McCall & Brown store acc't 12.82

    January 3 ditto d A.F. Peay for note & interest 33.30
    10 ditto d Alexander McCaskill for surveying land supposed to belong to estate 3.00
    12 ditto d paid Steward Peirce for making coffin 8.00
    14 ditto d d Reverend Parson Qunger for copy of plat 1.00
    31 ditto d A--------? Goldbold for note & interest 10.94
    February 1 ditto d Sam H. Gates d d d 38.06
    2 ditto d Charles Moore as per acc't 5.00
    March 21 ditto d Nathanel Godbold d d 10.62 1/2
    23 ditto d Sabastion Ruff d d 3.75
    April 11 ditto d Thomas Knighton Jur. per ? bill 10.16
    19 ditto d Doctor John ? for medical care 26.75
    $221.60 3/4
    Thomas Cusack

    Thomas Cusack Adm. of estate of Isaac Knighton Dec. in account with ordinary of Fairfield District.

    Final accounting.
    Less by cash paid away as per account #1 returned July 24,1826 $221.60.8

    do do Act. #4 returned September 10,1827 $44.66
    Estate of John Buchanan bal of bill ordinary fees $1.00
    Compensation on receiving and paying away $1272.47.2 $63.62.3

    The administrator is charged with the amount of a sale of the personal estate of
    said deceased made on the 24th day of January 1825 on a credit of 12 months. $945.35.7

    Deduct the amount of the widow purchase at the sale which by agreement among
    the heirs was given to her in lieu of certain property she brought with her when she
    was married to the deceased. $151.37.5

    Add the amount of cash received of sundries as per account #2 returned July 24,1826 $90.40.5
    do #3 do Sept. 19,1827 $383.58.5
    do cash left by deceased at his death $4.50
    Deduct account #1 $346.06.1

    Add interest on the money in the admin hands until Sept 10,1827 $72.69
    To amt of property advanced by the deceased in his lifetime to the following heirs VIZ:
    To Levi & Winnifred Godbold $207.00
    To John & Polly Alexander $252.00
    To Jas & Elizabeth Rasberry $266.00
    To Thos. & Prissilla Cusack $287.00
    To Francis Knighton $298.00

    To Heirs
    Francis Knighton $384.85
    John & Polly Alexander $384.85
    James & Elizabeth Rasberry $384.85
    Levi & Winnifred Godbold $384.85
    Thomas Cusack & Priscillie his wife $384.85
    Cynthie Knighton $384.85

    Cynthia Knighton...Minor under age of 21 Guardianship issued 3 September 1827 to her mother Elizabeth Knighton.

    Bond signed by Nathan Godbold and Charles Moores "for the share of Cynthia Knighton in the estate of her deceased father, Isaac Knighton."