Person:Guigues d'Albon (2)

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Guigues d'Albon, III
b.Bet 1050 and 1060 Albon, France
m. 27 Apr 1050
  1. Guigues d'Albon, IIIBet 1050 & 1060 - 1125
m. Bef 1107
  1. Garsende d'AlbonAbt 1088 - Aft 1102
  2. Guigues _____, Dauphin of Vienne IVBet abt 1090 & 1100 - 1142
  3. Maud _____, Countess of Albon1112 - Aft 1148
  4. Humbert d'Albon, Archbishop of Vienne - 1147
  • HGuigues d'Albon, IIIBet 1050 & 1060 - 1125
Facts and Events
Name Guigues d'Albon, III
Alt Name Guigues III of Albon
Alt Name Guigues _____, Count of Albon & Grenoble III
Alt Name The Fat
Alt Name Guiges (Grenoble) De Albon, VIII
Alt Name[2] Guigues (V) _____, Comte d'Albon
Gender Male
Birth[1] Bet 1050 and 1060 Albon, France
Alt Birth[2] Bet abt 1050 and 1070
Marriage Bef 1107 to Matilda of Sicily
Alt Marriage Abt 1108 to Matilda of Sicily
Marriage to Unknown
Death[2] 21 Dec 1125 Ste-rambert D'albon, Val-d'Isère, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France
Alt Death[1] 1133
Reference Number[1] Q3119515

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Guigues the Old, count of Albon, called Guigues III (b 1050/1060 d 1133) was a Count of Albon from 1079, when the County of Vienne, then in the possession of the Archdiocese of Vienne, was divided between him and Humbert I of Savoy, who received Maurienne.

He was the son of Guigues II of Albon and Petronille. There is no source which records her parents or ancestry. His ancestors were lords of the castle of Albon and counts (comites) in the Grésivaudan and Briançonnais.

Guigues's reign was marked by continual strife with Hugh of Châteauneuf, Bishop of Grenoble, over the suzerainty of certain church lands in the Grésivaudan. Hugh accused the count of usurping the lands with the help of the Bishop Mallem and invented fantastic stories to back up his claim to the disputed estates. Finally an accord was signed between Guigues and the bishop in 1099. Guigues returned the ecclesiastic land, while Hugh recognised the authority of the count in the vicinity of Grenoble.

In 1095, Guigues contracted an exemplary marriage with the high-born Matilda, long thought to be the daughter of Edgar the Aetheling, but now thought more likely to have been a daughter of Roger I of Sicily, the Great Count, and his third wife, Adelaide del Vasto.

In 1129, Guigues benefited further from the division of the Viennois between himself and Amadeus III of Savoy. Four years later, he died, leaving as his heir Guigues IV "dauphin" (died 28 June 1142) and a second son, Humbert, Archbishop of Vienne (died 26 June 1147). He had a third son Guigues "the elder" who was living in 1105 and died young. He also had three daughters:

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Guigues III of Albon. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Guigues III of Albon, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 GUIGUES [V] ([1050/70]-21 Dec 1125), in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.