Person:Elizabeth Frantz (5)

Elizabeth Frantz
Facts and Events
Name[1] Elizabeth Frantz
Gender Female
Birth[1] Botetourt, Virginia, United States
  1. 1.0 1.1 Centennial portrait and biographical record of the city of Dayton and of Montgomery County, Ohio: containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of the presidents of the United States and biographies of the governors of Ohio. (A.W. Bowen, 1897).

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    THE ARNOLD FAMILY. [pages 1300-1304] –Samuel, Joseph, Elizabeth, Henry H. and Abigail Arnold were born near Harrisonburg, Rockingham county, Va., and with their parents, Daniel and Catherine (Harshbarger) Arnold, emigrated to Ohio in the year 1830.
    Samuel Arnold, a worthy citizen and pioneer settler of Wayne township, Montgomery county, Ohio, was born June 24, 1817, and was thirteen years of age when brought to Ohio by his parents. He received a common-school education and became an energetic and successful farmer, managing the farm and raising the crops while his brothers worked in the saw-mill. At twenty-two years of age he married Miss Hannah Wolf, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Ullery) Wolf. Samuel Arnold, after marriage, settled on a farm of 110 acres on Little Bear creek, Montgomery county. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are Jacob W., Abigail and Samuel A., all of whom are married and living on homes of their own in Montgomery county. Hannah (Wolf) Arnold was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, March 23, 1821, and died May 10, 1873. Samuel Arnold then, on March 3, 1878, married Mrs. Lizzie Stoneroad, who died in March, 1879. He then, in April, 1884, married Mrs. Polly Warner, with whom he is living a retired life near Brookville, Ohio. Samuel Arnold is of the Old German Baptist faith, and has held the office of deacon for many years.
    Rev. Joseph Arnold, a devout minister of the Old German Baptist church, was born October 27, 1818, and was twelve years of age when brought to Wayne township, Montgomery county. He received a good education and was reared on his father’s farm. Being a natural mechanic, and particularly apt with carpenter’s tools, he was able to erect all his own buildings, besides planning and aiding others in the construction of theirs. May 19, 1840, he married in Clarke county, Ohio, Miss Elizabeth Frantz, who was born in Botetourt county, Va., January 30, 1821, a daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Crist) Frantz.
    Michael Frantz, father of Mrs. Arnold, was a native of Virginia, a grandson of Peter Frantz and a son of David and Elizabeth (Garst) Frantz; David was a farmer, and died in middle life, the father of the following children: Michael, David, Abraham, Samuel, Christian, Jacob, Joseph, Annie, Elizabeth, Lydia and Susannah, all born in Botetourt county. After the death of her husband Mrs. Frantz came to Ohio and settled in Logan county, where she passed the remainder of her life, and in the year 1840,at seventy years of age, died in the faith of the Old German church. Michael Frantz, father of Mrs. Arnold, was born September, 1791, and married Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Margarette (Hoh) Crist, of Augusta county, Va., but who became residents of Botetourt county. Jacob and Margarette (Hoh) Crist reared a family of four daughters and one son, viz: Betsey, Barbara, Catherine, Jacob and Susan. Jacob Crist, the father of this family, died in Virginia, in 1805, age about forty years; his widow, Margarette (Hoh) Crist, came to Ohio in 1826, and died in Clarke county in May, 1840, aged seventy-two years and five months. The children of Michael and Elizabeth (Crist) Frantz were David, Elizabeth and Catherine. Elizabeth (Crist) Frantz, the mother of Mrs. Arnold, died in Clarke county, Ohio, May 31, 1823, aged thirty years, seven moths and seven days. The father next married Susannah Neher, and to this union were born John, Susannah, Lydia, Michael, Samuel and Annie. The mother of these children also died, and the father next married a widow, Catherine (Ohmart) Crist, who bore him one child, Aaron. Michael Frantz came to Ohio in 1823 and settled on 160 acres of land in Pike township, Clarke county, cleared up a good farm from the forest, and died on his homestead in February, 1860, aged sixty-eight years and five months. He was a member of the Old German Baptist church, and recognized as one of the most responsible and useful citizens of his township.
    After marriage, Joseph Arnold settled on his present homestead, which consists of seventy-six acres in Wayne township, Montgomery county, in a fine state of cultivation, and improved with a modern and commodious dwelling. Mr. Arnold also owns a fine farm of 126 acres in Miami county. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have no children of their own, but have reared three with the kindest of parental care and affection, viz: Catherine Neher, who died at the age of twenty-two years; John and Melissa Baird, both now married and settled in life. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are members of the Old German Baptist church. Mr. Arnold has been a minister since 1856, has extended his labors in the cause of the church over at least twelve states of the Union, and has been in attendance at each annual conference since 1870.
    Elizabeth Arnold was born November 29, 1821, was nine years of age when brought to Wayne township, Montgomery county, Ohio, was here married to Daniel Funderburg in 1840, and settled on a farm of eighty acres in Miami county. Ohio, where Mr. Funderburg died in March, 1860. Mrs. Elizabeth (Arnold) Funderburg married George W. Studebaker in February, 1863, and they are now living a retired life in Fredonia, Wilson county, Kans. Both are devout, active members of the German Baptist church, Mr. Studebaker being a minister and elder.
    Henry H. Arnold, one of the old-time farmers and mechanics of Wayne township, Montgomery county, Ohio, was born January 11, 1827, and was but four years of age when brought to Ohio; he was reared to farming among the pioneers, received the usual common-school education, and was also taught the use of tools, for which he had a natural aptitude, but he and his brother Joseph both worked in a saw-mill when young, and both learned to do millwright work. His maternal grandfather, Henry Harshbarger, who settled in Wayne township in 1830, at the same time with the Arnold family, bought the farm on which Henry H. now lives; this farm was then mostly in forest; game, such as deer and wild turkey, was plentiful. In the winter of 1830-31, he built a saw-mill on the farm on Dry Run, it being the first mill in Wayne township. He sold the farm in 1831 to his son-in-law, Daniel Arnold. This mill was run almost continuously until 1875, and here the two brothers worked for thirty-five years, both becoming expert saw-millers. At nearly the age of twenty-one years Henry H. Arnold was united in marriage, September 12, 1847, in Clarke county, Ohio, with Magdalena Crist, born in that county, August 5, 1825, daughter of Jacob and Magdalena (Frantz) Crist.
    Jacob Crist, the father of Mrs. Arnold, was born January 11, 1801, in Augusta county, Va., and was married to Magdalena Frantz, of Botetourt county, Va., in 1822, emigrated to Ohio by wagons in 1823, settled on eighty acres of land in Pike township, Clarke county, and cleared up a farm. Magdalena (Frantz) Crist, who bore to him two sons and one daughter, viz: Joel, Jacob and Magdalena, died in Clarke county, Ohio, August 5, 1825, at about twenty-five years of age, and is buried in th Meyers cemetery, Clark county, Ohio. She was a daughter of Peter, Jr., and Peggie (Garst) Frantz. Peter Frantz, Jr., was a large landholder of Virginia, and he and his family were members of the Old German Baptist church, Mr. Franz being a minister and elder for many years. He died in Botetourt county, Va., in 1852, aged eighty-seven years. Jacob Crist was next married to Catherine Ohmart, in Clarke county, Ohio, in 1826, and in 1828 moved to Logan county, Ohio, bought 160 acres, and cut the first tree from the land, which was all in the forest. Here he hewed out a well-improved farm, on which they lived thirteen years, then returned to Clarke county in 1840, and cleared up another farm of 160 acres in Pike township, built a large frame dwelling and made a comfortable home. Catherine (Ohmart) Crist bore him nine children, viz: Polly, John, Adam, Christopher, Barbara, Margarette, Samuel, Catherine and Aaron. All his children excepting two reached mature age and were married. Jacob Crist died in Clarke county, Ohio, in January, 1849, aged forty-eight years, and is buried in the Meyers cemetery. He was an earnest Christian and a faithful member of the Old German Baptist, for many years holding the office of a minister and elder.
    Henry H. Arnold, after marriage, settled on his present place of 144 acres, a part of the old Arnold homestead, which he bought of his father in 1861, and here there have been born to him nine children, viz: Elizabeth, Daniel (who died at the age of ten years), Silas J., Henry C., Emma A., and four who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have been members of the Old German Baptist church for more than fifty years, and two of their children are likewise members. Aided by his faithful wife and children, Mr. Arnold has greatly improved the old homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have met with the prosperity their industry deserves, and their undeviating rectitude has won for them the respect of the community.
    Abigail Arnold was born September 4, 1829, and was one year old when brought to Ohio, and died in Wayne township, Montgomery county, March 20, 1840.
    Samuel Arnold, the great-grandfather of this family, came to America from Germany, arriving at Philadelphia when it was quite a small town, and, with his wife, settled in Frederick county, Md. He was the father of Daniel, Zachariah, David, Samuel, Betsey and Mollie. The father and sons were all farmers and of the Old German Baptist faith. Daniel, David, and Samuel were ministers and elders of their church, and Zachariah was a deacon. Zachariah Arnold, son of Samuel and grandfather of our subjects, was born in Frederick county, Md., December 5, 1766, and married Abigail Miller, who was born in Germany January 8, 1776; they moved to Hampshire county, W. Va., and settled on a large farm near Romney, where they reared a family of eight sons and two daughters, viz: John, Daniel, Joseph, Peter, Samuel, David, Benjamin, Zachariah, Betsey and Peggy. The family were members of the Old German Baptist church, Joseph and Benjamin being ministers and Zachariah and Daniel deacons. The sons all owned large farms in West Virginia, with the exception of Daniel, who emigrated to Ohio; all were married and reared large families, except Peter, who remained unmarried and died in 1875, aged about eighty years. Zachariah Arnold, father of this family, died June 5, 1829, age sixty-two years and one month. His wife, Abigail (Miller) Arnold, died October 24, 1856, aged eighty years, nine months and sixteen days; both are buried on the old Arnold homestead in West Virginia, which is now in the possession of the third generation.
    Daniel Arnold, son of Zachariah, and father of our subjects, was born in Hampshire county, W. Va., June 30, 1792, and September 3, 1816, was married to Catherine Harshbarger, of Rockingham county, Va., who was born in that county, January 17, 1795, and was the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Rhinehart) Harshbarger. To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arnold were born three sons and two daughters, whose names open this record. Daniel Arnold, after his marriage, bought 200 acres of land in Rockingham county, Va., and there followed the pursuit of agriculture until 1830, when he and his family, his father-in-law, Henry Harshbarger, and part of his family, and Jacob Snell and family, a party of sixteen persons, emigrated to Ohio in wagons. This colony arrived in Wayne township, Montgomery county, in September, 1830; of this number only five are living at this date, March, 1897; they are the three sons and one daughter of Daniel Arnold above mentioned, and John Snell, of Miami county, all between the ages of seventy and eighty years.
    Upon his arrival, Daniel Arnold rented land in Wayne township, on which he passed the first winter, and Henry Harshbarger bought the farm of 160 acres, which he sold a year later to his son-in-law, Daniel Arnold, who then moved on the farm. By hard work, as was usual as well as necessary in that early day, assisted by his sons, he converted the wilderness into a comfortable home, where he passed the reminder of his days. On December 3, 1845, he bought fifty acres adjoining the south side of his farm; about the same time he sold seventy-six acres to his son Joseph, where he still lives. Daniel Arnold died at the home of his son Henry H., July 11, 1864, aged seventy-two years and eleven days, from injuries received by an accidental fall from a wagon. Catherine (Harshbarger) Arnold died December 6, 1852, aged fifty-seven years, ten months and nineteen days. Both are buried in the family graveyard on the old Arnold homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arnold were members of the Old German Baptist church, and were greatly respected for their general usefulness as citizens, and for the reason that they did as much as any pioneers of the township to redeem it from the forest and advance its civilization. Henry Harshbarger, the maternal grandfather of our subjects, was born in Virginia February 28, 1774, and was married to Elizabeth Rhinehart, who was born in Virginia March 18, 1775. They owned and lived on a farm near Dayton, Rockingham county, Va., where they reared a family of two sons and five daughters, viz: Catherine (the mother of our subject), Magdalene, Elizabeth, Barbara, John, Henry, Jr., and Anna, all of whom came to Ohio, except John, who remained in Virginia. Mr. Harshbarger, after leaving Wayne township, bought and occupied a farm in Bethel township, Miami county. Here his wife died, April 2, 1833, aged fifty-eight years and fifteen days, being the first person buried in the Hickory Grove cemetery. Mr. Harshbarger then married a widow Ullery, and returned to Montgomery county, where he died at his home on Little Bear creek, June 3, 1847, aged seventy-three years, three months and three days, and is buried in Bright’s cemetery in the vicinity.