Person:Daniel McLAUGHLIN (1)

Facts and Events
Name[1] Daniel McLAUGHLIN
Gender Male
Birth? 1876 Gartan Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Marriage to Ellen GALLAGHER

Per Joan: I don't have much information on the McLaughlins - nodates of death. My cousin did tell me that Dan had a bar in theFrankford section of Philadelphia. I have 1910 census: they areliving on Portico Street, Dan's age is 33 and Ellen's is 35,they have been married for 8 years and have 4 children. Dan'soccupation is listed as "laborer, st.worker". It is toodifficult to read the year of immigration- it is 189? for Danand maybe 1895 for Ellen. On the 1920 census, they are still onportico Street. They have 5 children, the youngest is John age7. They also have Patrick Gallagher living with them. Dan's ageis 49 and Ellen's age is 39. Year of immigration is 1900 forboth Dan and Ellen and Naturalization for Dan is 1906. Dan'soccupation is listed as "forman steel co." I located Dan in the Philadelphia City Directory in 1924,occupation was "soft drinks" and residence was 501 Vine Street.On the passenger list in 1922, Ellen's address is also 501 VineStreet and her age is 47. On the 1926 and 1927 PhiladelphiaDirectory, Dan's occupation is still listed as "soft drinks" butthe address for business and home was 2650 N. Front Street. On1930 census they are still on Front Street, Dan's age is listedas 53 and Ellen's age as 54, age at 1st marriage is 27 for eachof them. They have 3 children living with them - the oldestdaughter who would be 27 is not there. Both list their place ofbirth as "Northern Ireland" and Dan's occupation is "Proprietor,Restaurant".

  1. 1910 Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania Census.