Person:Cosimo de' Medici (1)

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Cosimo de' Medici
b.27 Sep 1389
d.1 Aug 1464
  1. Cosimo de' Medici1389 - 1464
  2. Lorenzo "the Elder" de' MediciAbt 1395 - 1440
  1. Piero di Cosimo "the Gouty" de' Medici1416 - 1469
  2. Giovanni de' Medici1421 - 1463
Facts and Events
Name Cosimo de' Medici
Gender Male
Birth[1] 27 Sep 1389 House of Medici
Marriage to Contessina de' Bardi
Death[1] 1 Aug 1464
Reference Number? Q48544

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (27 September 1389 – 1 August 1464) was an Italian banker and politician who established the Medici family as effective rulers of Florence during much of the Italian Renaissance. His power derived from his wealth as a banker, and he was a patron of arts, learning and architecture. He spent over 600,000 gold florins (approx. $500 million inflation adjusted) on art and culture, including Donatello's David, the first freestanding nude male sculpture since antiquity. Despite his influence, his power was not absolute; Florence's legislative councils at times resisted his proposals throughout his life, and he was viewed as first among equals, rather than an autocrat.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Cosimo de' Medici, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.