Person:Clinton Boyce (1)

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Clinton Wilbur Boyce
b.28 Mar 1910 Minnesota
m. Bef 1940
Facts and Events
Name Clinton Wilbur Boyce
Gender Male
Birth[1] 28 Mar 1910 Minnesota
Marriage Bef 1940 to Aurolia 'Amelia' Lambert
Death[1] 23 Jul 1980 Los Angeles County, California
  1. 1.0 1.1 Public Member Trees: (Note: not considered a reliable primary source).
  2.   United States. 1940 U.S. Census Population Schedule. (National Archives Microfilm Publication T627).

    1940 U.S. Census Population Schedule
    Name: Clinton W Boyce
    Age: 30
    Estimated birth year: abt 1910
    Gender: Male
    Race: White
    Birthplace: Minnesota
    Marital Status: Married
    Relation to Head of House: Head
    Home in 1940: San Antonio, Los Angeles, California
    Street: Cedar Street
    House Number: 8602 1/2
    Farm: No
    Inferred Residence in 1935: San Antonio, Los Angeles, California
    Residence in 1935: Same Place
    Resident on farm in 1935: No
    Sheet Number: 19A
    Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 440
    Occupation: Salesman
    House Owned or Rented: Rented
    Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 10
    Attended School or College: No
    Highest Grade Completed: High School, 4th year
    Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 44
    Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
    Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
    Income: 1500
    Income Other Sources: No
    Household Members: Name Age
    Clinton W Boyce 30
    Amelia Boyce 28
    Ralph H Leidmann 8