Person:Blanca de La Cerda y Lara (1)

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Blanca de La Cerda y Lara
b.Est 1317
  1. Juan Núñez III de Lara1313 - 1350
  2. Blanca de La Cerda y LaraEst 1317 - 1347
  3. Maria _____, de La Cerda y Lara1319 - 1375
m. Jan 1329
  1. Juana Manuel of Castile1339 - 1381
  2. Fernando Manuel de Villena1350 -
Facts and Events
Name Blanca de La Cerda y Lara
Gender Female
Birth[1] Est 1317
Marriage Jan 1329 Lerma, Burgos, Castilla y León, Spainto Juan Manuel, Duke of Peñafiel
Death[1] 1347
Reference Number? Q4924776

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Blanca de la Cerda y Lara ( – 1347) was a Spanish noblewoman.

She was the daughter of Fernando de la Cerda (1275–1322) and Juana Núñez de Lara, called "la Palomilla".

Blanca was the second wife of Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena (1282–1349), a member of the junior branch of the Castilian royal house. Their daughter Juana Manuel of Castile married the (illegitimate) Henry II of Castile and became queen consort of Castile.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Blanca de La Cerda y Lara, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.