Person:Bevil Grenville (1)

Bevil Grenville
d.5 Jul 1643
  1. Bevil Grenville1596 - 1643
  2. Sir Richard Grenville, 1st Baronet1600 - 1658
  1. John Granville, 1st Earl of Bath1628 - 1701
  2. Elizabeth GrenvilleEst 1630 - 1692
  3. Bernard Granville1631 - 1701
Facts and Events
Name Bevil Grenville
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1596
Marriage to Lady Grace Smythe
Death[1] 5 Jul 1643 Combatant of Lansdowne
Reference Number[1] Q4899656?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Sir Bevil Grenville (23 March 1596 - 5 July 1643) was a landowner and soldier from Cornwall who sat as a Member of Parliament for various constituencies between 1620 to 1642, although during those years there were few parliamentary sessions. When the First English Civil War broke out in August 1642, he joined the Royalists and played a leading role in their early campaigns in the West Country. He was killed in action at the Battle of Lansdowne in 1643.

Sir Bevil Grenville (1596–1643), lord of the manors of Bideford in Devon and Stowe, Kilkhampton in Cornwall. (Source: another article in Wikipedia)

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bevil Grenville, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.