Person:Benjamin Barley (1)

Benjamin Barley
d.Bet 6 Nov 1662 and 27 May 1663
Facts and Events
Name[1] Benjamin Barley
Gender Male
Marriage to Unknown
Will[1] 6 Nov 1662
Death[1] Bet 6 Nov 1662 and 27 May 1663
Probate[1] 27 May 1663

Here is the will of Benjamin Barley, Margery's Father, Joane Mildenhall's Grandfather, compliments of Marian Kenedy, Dave Mickle, and Dan McEver

Will of Beniamini Barley, dated 6 November 1662. LDS film #92277, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Registered Bound Vol 311, Juxon, 1663, Vol 2: folio 57.

In the name of God Amen. The sixth day of November in the Fowerteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraign Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. Anno Domini one thousand six hundred sixtie and two I BENIAMIN BARLEY of Baydon in the Countie of Wilts yeoman being aged (or "sick?") and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory praised bee God doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker and Redeemer hopeinge asuredly to obtaine Remission of all my sinns through the only meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour And my body to bee buryed in Christian buriall att the discretion of my overseers hereafter named being husbands of mine Executrixes hereafter in this my will appoynted. And as for my worldly goods and estate I dispose of them as followith First I give unto JOANE MINEALL and ELIZABETH CHAMBERLIN MY GRANDCHILDREN twentie pounds apeece Item I give and bequeath unto BENIAMIN STROUDE and THOMAS STROWDE SONNS OF MY DAUGHTER MARGERY STROWDE twentie pounds apeece Item I give unto JOHN STROUDE SONNE OF MY DAUGHTER MARGERY STROWDE tenn pounds Item I give unto BENIAMIN BARLEY SONNE OF MY LATE SONNE BENIAMIN BARLY DECEASED twentie pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Whitehead and Marie Whitehead SONNE AND DAUGHTER OF THOMAS WHITEHEAD AND JOANE MY DAUGHTER Twenty pounds apeece Item I give and bequeath unto ANTHONY STROWDE and HESTER THE DAUGHTER OF JOHN ARUNDELL DECEASED BEINGE BOTH MY GRANDCHILDREN Tenn pounds apeece Item my will is that if the legatees hereafter named who are now single and unmarryed that is to say THOMAS STROWDE JOHN STROWDE Thomas Whitehead and Mary Whitehead or any of them happen to dye before they shall accomplish the full age of one and twenty yeares for the male kinde for [should be "or"] the day of marriage or age of one and twentie years for the female kinde which shall first happen then the Legacie or legacies of the partie or parties deceased shall be devided amongst the rest of the brethren and sisters of the partie or parties deceased pound and pound alike and that all the Legacies aforesaid shall be acompted [or "accomplished?"] due and payable to the Legatees as aforesaid within one year next after my decease Item I give and bequeath the Tythes of my two yard Land in Baydon belonging to my ancient house and of the Meadowe called Porters Hor and all other tythes and proffitts thereof which I hold by Lease or Coppie from the right honble the Earl of Pembrocke to Beniamin Whitehead sonne of MY DAUGHTER JOANE WHITEHEAD to hold to him during his naturall life if my Lease therein so longe continue and after his decease I will that the same shall pase and remaine unto Thomas Whitehead brother of the said Beniamin Whitehead Item I give unto the poore people of the parish of Baydon tenne shillings And to the poore people of the parish of Alborne Tenne shillings Item I further will that my two Executrixes hereafter named doe yearly give and bestow out of my estate five shillings amongst the poor people of Baydon to such as they shall thinke fitt that is to say two shillings six pence apeece in money or moneyes worth duringe their two naturall lives Item all the rest of my goods and chattells moveable and unmoveable my debts and Legacies aforesaid paid and my funerall Expenses discharged I give unto MY TWO DAUGHTERS MARGERIE THE WIFE OF ANTHONY STROWDE and JOANE THE WIFE OF THOMAS WHITEHEAD whom I make ioynt executrixes of this my last will and Testament desiring them to make not wast nor spoyle upon the house woods or lands which I shall leave unto them but to keep and preserve the same in such mannere as I shall leave it when it shall please God to call mee And to permitt and suffer any Tenant which I shall have in the premises peaceably and quietly to take away his cropp and proffitts accordinge to such agreement as I shall make with him accordinge to my true intent and meaninge herein. And I desire MY LOVING SONNE [or "sonns"] IN LAW ANTHONY STROUD and THOMAS WHITEHEAD THE HUSBANDS OF MY SAID EXECUTRIXES to assist them and stand with them and for them as overseers of this my last will and testament to the intente the same may bee in all things truly observed according to my true meaning herein In witness that this is my last will and Testament I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written. And revoking and denouncing all former and other wills and Testaments both written and nuncupative I doe here publish and declare this to bee my last will as above in the presence of those whose names are subscribed Beniamin Barley Signed Sealed & published in the presence of us John Adell the mark of Tobiah Robbinson.

Probate: . . . vicesimo septimo Die mensis Maij Anno Domini Millisimo sexcentisimo sexagesimo tertio [27 May 1663] . . . Margaria Stroude als Barley et Jane Whitehead als Barley filiarum dice defunct et executricum [Margaria Stroude als Barley and Jane (should be Joane) Whitehead als Barley, daughters of the said deceased and executrixes]. . .

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Transcript of Benjamin Barley's will.