Person:Bathsheba Gilbert (2)

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Bathsheba Gilbert
m. Bef 1703
  1. David Gilbert1705/06 -
  2. Bathsheba Gilbert1707/08 -
  3. Capt. Thomas Gilbert1723 - 1788
m. 5 Feb 1725
  1. Sarah Abbott1725 - 1793
  2. Rachel Abbott1727 -
  3. Hannah Abbott1729 -
  4. Corp Obed Abbott1730 -
  5. Martha Abbott1732 -
  6. Bathsheba Abbott1735 -
  7. Dorothy Abbott1738 -
  8. Unknown Abbott1741 -
  9. Abigail Abbott1744 -
  10. Aaron Abbott1746 - 1821
Facts and Events
Name Bathsheba Gilbert
Gender Female
Birth[1] 5 Feb 1707/08 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 5 Feb 1725 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United Statesby Rev Mr Chesney of Church of Christ in Brookfield
to Moses Abbott
  1. Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Worcester, Massachusetts: Franklin P. Rice, 1909)

    GILBURT, Bathsheba, d. Thomas and Martha, [born] Feb. 5, 170[7?]

  2.   Temple, Josiah Howard. History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts: preceded by an account of old Quabaug, Indian and English occupation, 1647-1783; Brookfield records, 1686-1783; with a genealogical register. (North Brookfield, Massachusetts: The Town, 1887)

    Children of Thomas Gilbert and Martha Barns: Bathsheba, b. Feb. 5, 1708, m. Moses Abbott.