Person:Bastiaan Van Otte (2)

Bastiaan Bastiansz van Otte
  1. Bastiaan Bastiansz van OtteAbt 1633 -
  2. Hendrick Bastiaanse OtteAbt 1639 - Aft 1710
Facts and Events
Name Bastiaan Bastiansz van Otte
Gender Unknown
Birth? Abt 1633 possibly Borssele,Netherlands

from bapt. book Ovezande DB NH 1623-1692: (note: records of baptisms do not begin until 1618 in this book, so Bastiaan's baptism is not recorded) BastiaenOtte, born about 1614, possible at Borssele married unknown wife

extra information about Bastiaen RAZE 2840 Hoedekenskerke Weeskamer 1633-1765. 8.7.1708,fol. 172v: ( Hoedekenskerke is a place, weeskamer , a sort of court for childeren who became half-orphan or orphan)Marij weduwe van Bastiaen van Otte zal haar zoon Bastiaan Bast. van Otte geven ÂÐ 8.6.8. die hij zal verteren bij zijn moeder in twee jaar of voor dit bedrag worden begraven. Marij, widow of Bastiaen Otte, must give her son Bastiaan Bast, van Otte an amount of...,which he will used at the time with his mother for a period of two years or when he died, he will be buried for this amount of money.