Person:Anthony Stroud (4)

Anthony Stroud, Sr.
Facts and Events
Name[1] Anthony Stroud, Sr.
Gender Male
Marriage to Jone

Will of Anthony Strowde, dated 21 ____ 1609. LDS Film #97676, Wills and Admins, Dean of Sarum, Registered, Vol 9, 1609-10:

The will begins on the bottom of page 28:

STROWDE, In the name of God Amen I ANTHONY STROWDE of Baydon in the (word Baydon lined out) countie of Wilts husbandman, beinge weake of bodie but of sound memorie I prayse God doe make this my last will in manner followinge. First I comend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator, and to Jesus Christ my redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my comforter assuringe my selfe the same shall have a ioyfull resurrection in the last day And my bodie I comitt to the earth frome whence it came the same to be layd up? in the church or churchyard Baydon at the discretion of my Executor here under named. Item I give to Mr John Wild minister of Ramesburie five shillings. Item I give to the poore of Baydon five shillings. Item I give to Robert Tuckey the younger my best weather sheepe. I give to MY BROTHER THOMAS STROWDS daughter which is my goddaughter a lambe the best at the next shere time after my decease and to any one of the rest of his children a bushell of barley a peece. I give unto Agnis Thatcher my goddaughter one ewe to bee delivered unto her within one month next after my decease. Item I give unto MY SONNE ANTHONY STROUD my best bedstead and best presse in my chamber, a gurnand in the lofte to keepe corne in and my yolinge (yotinge?) stone to remayne to him duringe his life and afterward to continue to my next sonne as standers to the house. Item, my will is that yf it shall please God to take me out of this life before I shall have bought and taken my livinge for my childringe that then my said executor undernamed with the ayd of... my friends doe bargaine and take the same lyvinge for and in the name of MY TWO SONNES, first ANTHONY and then JOHN the fine thereof and all other things to be paid for the same to be taken out of such goods as I shall leave behinde me at the same time of my decease. And then for and in concerninge the residue of my goods unbequeathed I will give and dispose the same in manner and forme followings (viz.) to MY SONNE JOHN tenn pounds, to MY DAUGHTER ANN tenn pounds, to MY DAUGHTER IDITH tenn pounds, and to MY DAUGHTER ELYZABETH tenn pounds. The portion? before given to MY DAUGHTER ANN to be paid to MY BROTHER IN LAWE ROBERT TUCKEY to be by him imployed to the use and best p(ro)fitt and comoditie of MY said DAUGHTER ANN within five yeares next after my decease. Item, yf my wyfe shalbe with child at my decease and that yt please God the same to be brought forth and live, the same child to have also tenn pounds, And yf it shall please God that any of all my said children doe dye before they shall attayne to the full age of one and twentie yeares or to the dayes of their marriages, that then his her or their portions shall remayne to the survivor of them. Item I doe ordayne and make JONE MY WIFE sole executor of this my will, and my lovinge friend Henrie Smith of Baydon gent and MY BROTHER IN LAWE ROBERT TUCKEY overseers, to each of whome I give twelve pence apeece. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the one and twentith day of one thousand six hundred and nine, And in the feare only of the Raigne of our Sovaryne Lord James by the grace of God Kinge of England ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith and of Scotland the Three and fourth. Sealed and delivered in the pr'sence of Henry Smith, BENIAMYN BARLYE, Thomas Pine?, Thomas Stratton. ANTHONY STROWDE his marke.

Pg 29: Probatim: fult testamentum supra scriptum coram venili viro ... Mr Willimo Wilkinson Legu dcorie offili dni deam Caru ...Vicesimus octavo die mensis Augusti anno dmi 1610 comiss fuit et execution in eodem nominati iurat ex.

[rough translation: His will above written in the presence of the venerable man William Wilkinson twenty eight day of the month of August Anno domini 1610, etc]

--Submitted by Dan McEver,, as transcribed at Salt Lake City by my researcher, Marian Kenedy. I put the key names and relationships in capital letters so they are easier to read.

  1. Martin Family Quarterly, Vol. XII, number 2, August 1986
    p. 13.