Person:Anthony Stroud (1)

Anthony Stroud
d.Bet 1659 and 1668
Facts and Events
Name[1][2] Anthony Stroud
Gender Male
Marriage 13 Feb 1623/24 to Margery Barley
Death[3] Bet 1659 and 1668

Will of Anthonij Strowde, dated 28 December 1667. LDS film #92292, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Registered Bound Vol 326, Hene, 1668, Vol 1: folio 24.

In the name of God Amen. I ANTHONY STROWDE of Baydan in the County of Wilts yeoman being sick in body but of sound memory I praise God doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator, and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the holy Ghost my Comforter, And my Body to the Earth from whence it came Assureing my selfe the same shall have a Joyfull Resurrection in the last day And for those worldly goods which it hath pleased Almighty God to lend mee I give as followeth (vizt) Item I give and bequeath unto my YOUNGEST SONNE THOMAS STROWDE all those three Messuages Tenements, and one yeard Lands bee it more or lesse with appurtenencs thereunto belonging situate lyeing and being in Lamborne in the County of Berk which I lately bought of Beniamin Barley of Roaten [or "Roxten?"], All which Lands Messuages and Tenements to have and enioy from and after my decease and during the whole time and tearme of the naturall life of my DEAR WIFE MARGERY Item I give and bequeath unto my SONNE ANTHONY STROWDE Fifty pounds to bee paid within Twelve month next after my decease, Item I give and bequeath unto [an arrow here implies the writer forgot to say "my sonne"] BENIAMIN STROWDE Fifty pounds to be paid within Twelve monthe next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my SONNE THOMAS STROWDE Fifty pounds to bee paid within Twelve month next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER JOANE MINALL Fifty pounds, Item I give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER ELIZABETH HICKMAN Fifty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER AGNES SAMMEG[?] Fifty pounds, All which to be paid within Twelfe month next after my decease Item I doe also give and bequeath unto my said SONNE THOMAS STROWDE, those two Acres of Free Land with the Appurtenencs thereunto belonging and to his heires forever Situate lyeing and being in Side hangers in the parish of Lamborne in the County of Berks which I bought of John Gifford and to have and enioy the said two Acres from and after the death and decease of my WIFE MARGERY, And also I give and bequeath unto the said THOMAS STROWDE, All the Remainder of the tyme and tearme of the lease of Tythes and Tenths of my Dowry hold Leaveing of one yard Lands in Baydon wherein I now dwelleth with the appurtenencs thereunto belonging from and Imiadeatly after the death and decease of my said WIFE MARGERY Item I give and bequeath unto my three GRANDCHILDREN Symon Anthony and Hester ARUNDELL Thirteene pounds Six shillings and Eight pence a peece to each and every of them to bee paid to them as they shall attain to the Age of Twenty and One yeares of. [something added in left margin probably goes here, but I can't make it out] And if either of them die before hee or shee attaine to the Age of Twenty and one yeares the Survivor or Survivors of them to have his or her part peaceably to be divided betwixt them. Item I give and bequeath unto my GRANDCHILD Mary the daughter of my SONNE THOMAS STROWDE the sume of Tenn pounds to bee paid when shee shall attain the age of Twenty and one years or day of marriage which shall happen first, and if shee shall die before payment thereof then the said Tenn pounds to be paid to the eldist child that the said Thomas shall have to him, and attaine to Twenty and one yeares Item I give and bequeath to the Poore of Baydon Tenn shillings to be distributed by the appointmt of my Executrix at the tyme of buriall, All the residue of my Lands goods and Chattles unbequeathed my debts paid my gifts and Legacies performed And my Funerall Expenses discharged I give and bequeath unto MY DEARE TENDER AND LOVING WIFE MARGERIE whom I make sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Twentieth Eight day of December in the Nineteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second And in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Sixty and Seaven. ANTHONY STROWDE Sealed Published and Delivered as the last will and Testament in the presence of Jo: Simons, Steven Naish his marke Beniamin Hind his marke.

Probatim . . . duodecimo die mensie Februarij Anno Domi Millesime Sexcentisime Sexagesimo septimo [12 February 1667] [granted to Margerie Strowde relict and executrix]

  1. Transcribed copy of John Arumdell's will.
  2. Transcript of Benjamin Barley's will.
  3. Transcribed copy of John Arumdell's will.