Person:Andrew Chapel (2)

Andrew J. Chapel
Facts and Events
Name[1][2][3][4] Andrew J. Chapel
Unknown _____ Chappell
Gender Male
Birth[5] 3 May 1857 Mississippi, United States
Marriage 22 May 1878 Claiborne, Louisiana, United Statesto Victoria Adkins
Death[5] 19 Dec 1922 San Augustine, Texas, United States
Burial? Etoile, Nacogdoches, Texas, United StatesBlue Springs Cemetery

On Jan. 4, 1909, E.D. Downs, D.A. McDonald and Leo Bierhaltergave an inventory and appraisement of the estate. It was: 4 1/2 acres in Jasper County "The Dork Williams Place" - $25.00 32 acres in Jasper County, part of the John Zeigler survey$320.00 No personal Estate.

I.A. Adkins, as principal, and J.D. Clark and H.C. Downs, assureties, are held and firmley bound unto the .... etc the sumof Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) conditioned that the abovebound I.A. Adkins, who has been appointed by the County Court ofSan Augustine County, Texas, guardian of the persons and Estatesof Clide Adkins and Nancy Adkins, minors, will faithfullydischarge the duties of guardian of the ppersons and Estates ofthe said minors according to law. Witness our signatures, thisthe 4th day of January AD. 1909 I.A. Adkins Jas D. Clark H.C. Downs

page 244) (date of record - April 9, 1909) I.A. Adkins filed onMarch 8, 1909 his application to sell the 4 1/2 acres. This isa notice to anyone to come the first Monday in May 1909 to showcause why the application should not be approved.

This 18th day of August 1909, it having been made known to thecourt that I. A. Adkins, guardian of the persons and Estate ofClide (sic) Adkins and Nancy Adkins, minors has removed from theState of Texas to the State of Louisiana; It is thereforeordered, adjudged and decreed by the court, that the said I.A.Adkins be and he is hereby removed from the guardianship of thepersons and Estates of the said Clide Adkins and Nancy Adkins,minors. It is further ordered by the court that he surrenderhis letters of guardianship and that he deliver to A.J.Chappell, who has been appointed guardian, and who has dulyqualified as such in his place, the persons and Estates of thesaid Clyde (sic) Adkins and Nancy Adkins, Minors.

(dated Aug 18, 1909). A.J. Chappell as principal and __ & ___are held and firmly bound unto the County Judge of SanAugustine, Texas and his successors in office, in the sum of TwoHundred Dollars. ($200.00). Conditional that the above boundA.J. Chappell, who has been appointed by the County Court of SanAugustine County, Texas, guardian of the persons and estates ofClide Adkins and Nancy Adkins, Minors, will faithfully dischargethe duties of guardian of the persons and estates of said minorsaccording to law. Witness our signatures this the 18th day ofAugsut A.D. 1909. A.J. Chappell x his mark D.A. McDonald Jas.D. Clark

(Nov 1909 Term) Came to be heard A.J. Chappell, guardian, forthe sale of real estate belonging to said minors. Order to sellat a private sale for cash was given.

Page 281) is a continuation of #4 above with a legal descriptionof the property. Also has an order for A.J. Chappell to filethe proper report of the sale.

? entered into guardianship on Nov 1, 1909 and sold at privatesale the real estate described in said order of court... 4 and1/2 acres of land.... in Jasper County, Texas

On this 7th day of February 1910 came on to be heard A.J.Chappell... etc to verify the report of the sale of property hasbeen filed and docketed. ... and that said land brought a fairprice. Purchaser, E.J. Eyres paid the sum of $25.00.

  1. Barney Hunter. The Adkins and Related Families, Three hundred and Fifty Years in America.
  2. 1910 Nacogdoches County, Texas Census.
  3. 1920 Nacogdoches County, Texas Census.
  4. 1930 San Augustine Co, TX Census.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Source (81).