Person:Adolph V, Count of Holstein-Segeberg (1)

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Adolph V _____, Count of Holstein-Segeberg
m. Bet 1249 and 1250
  1. Heilwig _____, of Holstein-KielAbt 1251 - Bef 1308
  2. Adolph V _____, Count of Holstein-Segeberg1252 - 1308
  3. John II _____, Count of Holstein-Kiel1253 - 1321
  4. Elisabeth _____, Countess of Holstein-Kiel - 1284
  5. Agnes _____, of Holstein-Kiel - Bet 1286 & 1287
Facts and Events
Name Adolph V _____, Count of Holstein-Segeberg
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1252
Marriage to Euphemia _____, of Pomerania-Wolgast
Death[1] 1308
Reference Number? Q364412

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Adolph V, Count of Holstein-Segeberg ( – 1308) was the ruling count of Holstein-Kiel from 1263 to 1273 and of Holstein-Segeberg from 1273 until his death.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Adolph V, Count of Holstein-Segeberg, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.