Person:Abigail Abbot (3)

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m. 6 Apr 1691
  1. Joseph Abbott - 1726
  2. Nehemiah Abbott1691/92 -
  3. John Abbott1697 - 1779
  4. Abigail Abbott1699 - 1753
  5. Mary Abbott1701 -
m. 25 Jun 1729
  1. Abigail Abbott1731 - 1733
  2. Mary Abbott1732 -
  3. Abigail Abbott1733/34 - 1807
  4. Abiel Abbott1735 -
  5. Anna Abbott1740 -
  6. Joel Abbott1742 - 1742/43
  7. Dorcas Abbott1744 - 1829
Facts and Events
Name[3] Abigail Abbott
Gender Female
Birth[1] 7 Oct 1699 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 25 Jun 1729 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Benjamin Abbott
Death[2][3] 8 Dec 1753 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
  1. Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Topsfield, Massachusetts: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912)
    Vol. 1, p. 12.

    ABBOT, Abigall, d. Nemiah and Abigal, [born] Oct. 17, 1699.

  2. Farnham, Russell Clare. The New England descendants of the immigrant Ralph Farnum of Rochester, Kent County, England and Ipswich, Massachusetts. (Portsmouth, New Hampshire: P.E. Randall, c1999)
    p. 85.

    Benjamin Abbott, s/o Benjamin Abbot and Sarah Farnum, m. (3) Andover 25 Jun 1729 Abigail Abbott, d/o Deacon Nehemiah Abbott and Abigail Lovejoy, b. Anodver 7 Oct 19699, d. 8 Dec 1753, a. 54.

  3. 3.0 3.1 "Descendants of George Abbot of Rowley", in Perley, Sidney, ed. Essex Antiquarian. (Salem, Mass.: Essex Antiquarian)
    vol. 1, p. 104.

    Children of Dea. Nehemiah Abbot and Abigail Lovejoy: 5) Abigail, b. 7 Oct 1699, m. Benjamin Abbot.
    [In "Abbot Genealogy" in same issue, p. 41, Benjamin Abbot [#45], m. (3) 25 Jun 1729 Abigail Abbot. She d. his widow 8 Dec 1753.]