MySource:Rharrison/Valentine Papers

MySource Valentine Papers
Author Edward P. Valentine
Year range -
Publication information
Type Electronic
Publication The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers. Richmond, VA, USA: The Valentine Museum.
Edward P. Valentine. Valentine Papers. (The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers. Richmond, VA, USA: The Valentine Museum.).
Address 360 West 4800 North Provo UT 84604 USA 1-800-262-3787
Call # Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908

This collection of books contains some vital information and generational charts, but mostly abstracts of records in the local and general archives of Virginia relating to the surnames: Allen, Bacon, Ballard, Batchelder, Blouet, Brassieur, Cary, Crenshaw, Dabney, Exum, Ferris, Fontaine, Gray, Hardy, Isham, Jordan, Langston, Lyddall, Mann, Mosby, Palmer, Pasteur, Pleasants, Povall, Randolph, Satterwhite, Scott, Smith, Valentine, Waddy, Watts, Winston, Womack, and Woodson.