MySource:RJ Stiles/Stiles Henry Reed, The Stiles Family in America: Genealogies of the Connecticut family (Jersey City: Doan Pils

MySource Stiles Henry Reed, The Stiles Family in America: Genealogies of the Connecticut family (Jersey City: Doan Pils
Abreviation The Stiles family in America
Year range -
Stiles Henry Reed, The Stiles Family in America: Genealogies of the Connecticut family (Jersey City: Doan Pils.
Name Google Books

(pg.703-705 There seems to be an error in generation number for Humphrey Style on page 703. He is listed as generation [6] with the children of Sir John Stiles [5], but is listed as generation [7] later on the page. With this error, another Sir John Stiles was entered as generation [6].)

Short version of source: , The Stiles Family in America.

Bibliography version of source: , Stiles Henry Reed. The Stiles Family in America: Genealogies of the Connecticut family. Jersey City: Doan & Pilson, 1895.

_WEBTAG: Name: Google Books URL:

_WEBTAG: Name: Internet Archive URL:

_WEBTAG: Name: The Stiles Family in America: Genealogies of the Connecticut Family URL:

_WEBTAG: Name: The Stiles family in America. Genealogies of the Connecticut family : Stiles, Henry Reed, 1832-1909 : URL:

_TMPLT: TID: 372 FIELD: Name: Author VALUE: Stiles, Henry Reed FIELD: Name: Title VALUE: The Stiles Family in America FIELD: Name: SubTitle VALUE: Genealogies of the Connecticut family FIELD: Name: PubPlace VALUE: Jersey City FIELD: Name: Publisher VALUE: Doan & Pilson FIELD: Name: PubDate VALUE: 1895