MySource:Mpress/"Agnes Townsend's Notebook," contributed by her grand-daughter, Mrs. Crookshank. Marriages Births and Deaths Amon Friends and Acquaintances.

MySource "Agnes Townsend's Notebook," contributed by her grand-daughter, Mrs. Crookshank. Marriages Births and Deaths Amon Friends and Acquaintances.
Year range -
Publication information
Publication Name: Irish Ancestor, vol. 8, no. 2, 1976, pp. 96-113.;
"Agnes Townsend's Notebook," contributed by her grand-daughter, Mrs. Crookshank. Marriages Births and Deaths Amon Friends and Acquaintances.. (Name: Irish Ancestor, vol. 8, no. 2, 1976, pp. 96-113.;).

Source Quality: 1 Source Medium: Journal