MySource:Kssmekathy/Shearer Family History

MySource Shearer Family History
Author Ada Jane Shearer and The Shearer Historians
Abreviation Shearer Family History
Year range -
Publication information
Type Family Tree
Publication Created in Elma Township in 1938 and maintained by Shearer Reunion Historians. Information was reported by knowledgeable family members and was well maintained in the early years.
Ada Jane Shearer and The Shearer Historians. Shearer Family History. (Created in Elma Township in 1938 and maintained by Shearer Reunion Historians. Information was reported by knowledgeable family members and was well maintained in the early years.).
Name Kathy Shiell-Stokes
Address 1-225 Union St E
Listowel, ON
Kathy Shiell-Stokes

The Shearer records, as maintained by the Family Historians, have proven to be remarkably accurate. They may not be 100% complete but are valuable in pointing the way to conclusive evidence.As the family and generations grew and interested parties died, the quantity and quality of information decreased. Despite this, enough information was recorded to make rechecking the information relatively easy..
