MySource:Karen Theriot Reader/Assumption Pioneer Newspaper; Deaths-Weddings-Births

MySource Assumption Pioneer Newspaper; Deaths-Weddings-Births
Author Phillip C. Chauvin, Jr., comp.
Year range -
Publication information
Publication Houma, LA: Terrebonne Genealogical Society, n.d.
Phillip C. Chauvin, Jr., comp. Assumption Pioneer Newspaper; Deaths-Weddings-Births. (Houma, LA: Terrebonne Genealogical Society, n.d.).
Name Family History Library
Address 35 North West Temple
Salt Lake City UT 84150
Call # US/CAN 976.343 V2c

Dates covered 8 Sep 1850 through 28 Dec 1912, with no publication between 1856 to 1876. As published in TERREBONNE LIFE LINES, abstracted by Audrey B. Westerman and Goldie B. Legendre.