MySource:Jrich/McIntire Bible

MySource McIntire Bible
Place Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Year range 1763 - 1956
Surname McIntire
McIntire Bible.



The following transcript is made from photographs of 4 pages titled "Family Record" that appear to be from a large family Bible. I also have use of a transcript of the McIntire records sent by Bible's owner, though there is an omission which I fixed in my version below. There are two collections of family records, in different inks, but both written on the same pages. The older collection is the family of Samuel McIntire and Rebecca Hershey of Washington, D.C. The newer collection covers a couple of generations of the family of Mary Ann Inglehart who married James Quackenbush and then Nathan Campbell Strong, who lived in Michigan and later California. Based on my research, these two families do not appear to be related. It is possible that the Bible was sold by Samuel's widow, his second wife Ruth Lord, to cover some of his debts when he died, since the newer collection starts very soon after the date of his death in 1827.

The Bible's owner reports that it was rebound, and parts of the pages are not visible. The page numbers refer to the page numbers printed on the actual Bible page. I have added punctuation and formatting in an attempt to make this clearer, but the spelling and wording are as accurate as I can make it. The older, McIntire collection, will be emboldened to differentiate it from the other records, as it is the focus of my research. In some places, a modern hand and ink appears to have transcribed faded writing which is no longer readable. These parts are shown as italics.

Page 677

Left Column "Marriages"

Sam'l and Rebeckah McIntire married April 13th 1790

Samuel and Ruth McIntire married Jan'y 30th 1817

Nathan Moreton Strong married Susan Thayer September
Parents of three children

  • [Ge]rtrude Louise [Strong] born in Adrian Michigan 1873 and died Stockton, Cal, 1911
  • [Per]cy Morton Strong Born in Adrian Michigan about 1877 Died in San Rafael, Cal, Dec 26, 1935 Married in Stk., Cal., to Eunice Allen of Virginia City, Nev. Born to them two children
    • Faith Strong in Stlk, Aug 1910
    • Nathan Allen Strong, Alameda 1915
  • [Nat]han Clifford Strong - Born in Adrian Michigan July 13, 1884 Married Etta Viola Shoemaker of Stockton, Calif., June 17, 1908 her birth Aug 31, 1884 > Stk. Calif. Born of this marriage two girls
    • Bernice Carolyn Strong on Sunday Dec. 4, 1910 in Stockton at 6:10 AM
    • Jean Elizabeth Strong - on Monday April 21, 1919 at 3:30 P.M. the day after (Easter Apr. 20).

Married Bernice C Strong and Major Edgar Walter F[unreadable] Presbyterian Church Reno Nevada November 5 1949

Right Column "Marriages"

Alex'r and Elizabeth E McIntire was married Sept'r 5th 1815

William and Sarah Justice Brown was married June 13th 1816

Marriage of daughters of - Nathan Clifford and Etta Viola Strong

  • Bernice Carolyn Strong and Frank Kenneth Wallace (Born in Stockton, July 11, 1908) married in Stockton, Calif. in First Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 19, 1933.
  • Jean Elizabeth Strong and Thomas O. Mann (Born in Stockton, Feb. 23, 1915) married in Stockton, Cal. in First Presbyterian Church on Friday, July 18, 1941.

Born to Jean Elizabeth and Thomas Mann

  • A son on May 29, 1942 at 3:12 A.M. (real time) in Stockton, California (4:12 A.M. Daylight saving time) Son named Thomas Thayer Mann. [added note in margin:"on Friday Dameron Hosp. Baptized 1st Pres Church Mothers Day Stockton May 9 1943]
  • Born to Jean & Thomas Mann a seond Son Perry Nathan Mann Born in Coronada Calif Naval Air Base Hospital at 12:20 noon - Monday Oct. 30, 1944 Daylight Sav time (realtime 11:20 A M) Baptized Easter Sunday Apr 6, 1947 1st Presbyterian Church in Stkn, Cal. Ward Willis Long Min.

    Page 678

    Left Column "Births"

    Sam'l McIntire was born Oct'r the 3rd in the year of our Lord 1763.

    Rebeckah McIntire was born Oct'r the 31st in the year of our Lord 1765

    Alexander McIntire was born Dec'r the 31st 1792

    Elizabeth McIntire was born April the 23'd 1794.

    Sally Justice McIntire was born Nov'r the 14th 1795

    Solomon Hersey McIntire was born Aug't the 19th 1797

    Right Column "Births"

    William Whann McIntire was born May the 22'd 1799

    Samuel McIntire was born Feb'y the 23'd 1801.

    Arthur Lile McIntire [was] born Sept'r the 23'd 1802

    Caroline Rebeckah M[cIntire] was born May the 27th 180[smudged]

    Page 679

    Left Column "Births"


    Right Column "Deaths"

    Rebeckah McIntire departed this life the 14th July in the year of our Lord 1808. Aged 42 years 8 months and 14 days

    Elizabeth McIntire departed this life Oct'r the 30th in the year of our Lord 1795

    William Whann NcIntire Departed this Life 22'nd May 1818 At West Point Academy Aged nineteen years

    Samuel McIntire Departed this Life 23th May 1820 Aged nineteen years and three months

    Nathan Clifford Strong born July 13, 1884 Departed this life August 23, 1956

    Page 680

    Left Column "Deaths"

    The children of James and Mary Ann Quackenbush

    Deborah Ann Quackenbush was born Oct the 18th in the year of our Lord - 1827

    Isaac Quackenbush was born Aug the 28th in the year of our lord 1829 -

    James Quackenbush was born Sept the 3rd in the year of our Lord 1832 -

    David Strong died Sept 11th 1855 Aged 12 years 1 months and 10 days

    Right Column "Deaths"

    The children of Mary Ann and Nathan S[trong]

    Mary R Strong was born July the 17th in the year of our Lord - 1837 -

    David Strong was born Jan the 30th in the year of our Lord 1842

    Wife of Nathan Morton Strong Susan Thayer Strong died about 1927

    Nathan Moreton S[trong] was born Dec 25th [in the] year of our Lord 18[not visible]

    Died October 12th 192[not visible] Aged 80 years 9 months and 16 days

    Effa Adelaide Strong was born May the 11th in [the] year of our Lord 1[water stain]

    Died December 18th 1[not visible] Aged 81 years 7 mon[ths] and 6 days