MySource:HLJ411/Joseph Napoleon Coutu Family Group Record

MySource Joseph Napoleon Coutu Family Group Record
Author Cécile Perreault Webster
Abreviation C. Webster FGR for J.N. Coutu
Year range -
Publication information
Type Genealogist
Publication Unpublished, probably by Genealogist Cécile Perreault Webster and probably commissioned by Elfrida Jackman-Coutu in 1970 or later.
Cécile Perreault Webster. Joseph Napoleon Coutu Family Group Record. (Unpublished, probably by Genealogist Cécile Perreault Webster and probably commissioned by Elfrida Jackman-Coutu in 1970 or later.).
Name COUTU Ancestor Book #1
Address COUTU Ancestor Book #1
106 Lindsay St. S.
Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2M6 Canada
Page 2 705-324-6827

Document found at residence of late Elfrida Coutu at 111 La Carriere St, Lachute, Quebec. There are two pages in french and two pages in english with essentially the same format and information.
