MySource:FranklySpeaking/Newspaper Obituaries: Francis Cunningham Hawkins: From 4 different newspapers

MySource Newspaper Obituaries: Francis Cunningham Hawkins: From 4 different newspapers
Abreviation Newspaper Obituaries
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Publication April 1914
Newspaper Obituaries: Francis Cunningham Hawkins: From 4 different newspapers. (April 1914).

CREA: Date: 01 Jun 2013 Time: 10:57:26

Book/Periodical Name=Rogers Daily Post and other local newspapers (copies) Detail=Obituaries

Examples of obituaries for Francis Cunningham Hawkins: From the Rogers, Benton, Arkansas paper after his death: "Mr. Hawkins [unintelligable] Ohio, in March 1840. He was married in 1884 at Larned, Kansas to Miss Lizzie Miller, and to them were born two children, Prof. Frank Hawkins of the U. of A. faculty at Fayetteville, and Mrs. Finis Miller of Rogers. Mr. Hawkins and family went to Bentonville in 1888, where he was engaged in the implement and stock business. They came to Rogers in 1900, and Mr. Hawkins was in the livery business here on South First St. for several years. He was also an auctioneer. Failing health caused him to retire from active business and he invested his money in local property and had given his attention to that and to his home place. Mr. Hawkins was a large man in physique; a big, good natured man who made friends easily and was known to everybody in this end of the county. He was slow in making promises and taking up new projects but his word as good as a bond and whenever he was for you, he was for you, good and strong. By his death, Rogers has lost a good citizen and his associates a staunch friend." From the Rogers, Benton, Arkansas paper after his death: "Rogers lost one of its best known citizens when F. C. Hawkins dropped dead in the yard of this home, corner of Poplar and 2nd streets, last Thursday morning, April 23. He had just returned from town and had said nothing of feeling worse than usual. He had suffered from heart trouble for some time and an attack last fall had made his friends apprehensive that he might have another and a more serious stroke. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. J.F. Little. At the cemetery, the services were taken in charge by the local order of Masons and the Knight Templars, a number of the latter order being present from Bentonville as well as other friends. Many beautiful flowers were sent."

CREA: Date: 31 May 2013 Time: 10:57:26