MySource:FranklySpeaking/Newspaper Article about Miller/Hawkins Wedding

MySource Newspaper Article about Miller/Hawkins Wedding
Abreviation Newspaper Article about Miller/Hawkins Wedding
Place Rogers, Benton, Arkansas, United States
Benton, Arkansas, United States
Year range -
Surname Miller
Publication information
Publication Benton County, Arkansas Newspaper
Newspaper Article about Miller/Hawkins Wedding. (Benton County, Arkansas Newspaper).

A reception was given Tuesday night by Mr.and Mrs. W.A. Miller in honor of their son, Finis Miller and bride. The attendance was large and the handsome home was crowded all evening with friends of the happy young couple, who were in the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Miller, and the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Miller and Miss Kate Bailey assisted in the receiving, while Misses Grace and Pearl Rice and Misses Fruza and Bonnie Nance assisted in the dining room. The married folks came early in the evening while the later hours were given over to the young people so they could linger longer if they so desired. It was a most delightful affair and Mr. Miller and bride were the recipients of boundless congratulations and well wishes." 2. From the Benton County, Arkansas Paper. "The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Lenora Hawkins and Mr. Finis Ernest Miller was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Hawkins, corner of Second and Cherry streets, Saturday evening, at 8:40 o'clock. The young couple stood in the large folding doors and were met by Rev. J. C. Arnett, pastor of the Presbyterian church, who performed the ceremony. After the ceremony a reception was held. The following were present: Mrs. W.A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Miller, Monett, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller, Mrs. Arthur Miller, Mrs. Sarah Bailey, Misses Kate Bailey, Maud Miller, Grace Rice, and Minnie Lyons and Messrs. Frank Hawkins of Springfield, Mo., and Tom McNeil. Mr. Miller and bride left on the Cannon Ball for Monett where they spent Sunday at the home of the former's brother, Horace Miller. From the quantity of rice on the depot platform next morning, we should conclude that their departure was not wholly unnoticed by their friends. Both bride and groom are among the best known and most popular young people of Rogers. Mr. Miller, who is the youngest son of W.A. Miller and wife, had live here all his life, while the bride came to Rogers from Bentonville a number of years ago. Both have been prominent among the younger social circles of the city and have an unusually large circle of friends, who join with the Democrat in extending heartiest congratulations. Mr. Miller , who had been with the Frisco several years, last week became the local agent for the United States Express Company.