MySource:FranklySpeaking/Newspaper Article: Francis Cunningham Hawkins

MySource Newspaper Article: Francis Cunningham Hawkins
Abreviation Newspaper Article: Francis Cunningham Hawkins
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Publication Historical article from the 1950's
Newspaper Article: Francis Cunningham Hawkins. (Historical article from the 1950's).

CREA: Date: 01 Jun 2013 Time: 10:57:26

Excerpt from an article written in the 1950'S by the daughter of Daniel A. Bright, who came to Pawnee County from Witchita with F.C. Hawkins: "One of the men associated with my father in these business enterprises and a personal friend of long standing was Frank C. Hawkins and when my father came to Pawnee County in 1972 he was accompanied by Mr. Hawkins. When they arrived on April 1 only about half a dozen filings had been made in the county and no one was living on the Larned townsite, nor was there any sign of a habitation. But soon other settlers arrived and with the extension of the Santa Fe railroad to Larned in July the volume so increased by early fall there appeared to be a sufficient number of inhabitants to organize the county. Accordingly, upon petition, Gov. Harvey appointed Frank Hawkins to take the censis for which he was paid $80 by the state legislature."

CREA: Date: 31 May 2013 Time: 22:48:59