MySource:FactFinder/Source (401)


OFFER BY KEY MEN; Striking Operators at Chicago Ready to Arbitrate. MORE MEN WORK IN WEST Both Sides Are Claiming Gains in New York City. Employers Assert that Few Responded to President Small's Order for General Strike -- Organization Leaders Tell Different Story -- Proposal to Settle Chicago Dispute by Arbitration Announced Through Samuel Gompers.

The Washington Post (1877-1954). Washington, D.C.: Aug 17, 1907. pg. 1, 2 pgs

Document types: front_page

Dateline: Chicago, Aug. 16

Publication title: The Washington Post (1877-1954). Washington, D.C.: Aug 17, 1907.  pg. 1, 2 pgs

Source type: Historical newspaper

ProQuest document ID: 252101162

Text Word Count 1282

Document URL:

Chicago, Aug. 16. -- The officials of the telegraphers' union late to-day changed front on the proposition to arbitrate, and announced that they would accept the offices of the general board of arbitrators of the American Federation of Labor in settling the differences. This board consists of John Mitchel, of the Mine Workers; Daniel J. Keefe, of the Longshoremen, and Samuel Gompers. It was Mr. Gompers who made the above announcement.