MySource:CC/The WILL of William D. Houshell

MySource The WILL of William D. Houshell
Place Chillisquaque, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Year range 1824 - 1829
Surname Housel, Houshell
Publication information
Publication Northumberland County Will Book 3, Pp 52 - 54
The WILL of William D. Houshell. (Northumberland County Will Book 3, Pp 52 - 54).

Source: William HOUSEL's Will as transcribed by Barbara MOSHER, 2002;
Probated 24 Aug 1829. Recorded Northumberland County Will Book 3, Pp 52 - 54.

    In the name of God Amen, I William Housel of the Twp of Chillisquaque Co of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania being in perfect health sound in mind memory and understanding (thanks be to God Son the Same) being mindful of my mortality do make and constitute this my Last Will and Testament.
    First and finally I recommend my immortal spirit to God who gave it, in hope of a joyful resurrection and my body to the earth (When it shall please God to separate my soul and body )to be buried decently at the direction of my executors according to the rights of the Christian Church.
    In the second place I do nominate and appoint my sons John and David to be my executors of this my last will and testament. And as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me I give and dispose of thereof as follows:
    First it is my will and I direct that my beloved wife Lydia shall be paid by my executors the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars one year after my decease. It is further my will that she shall immediately after my decease have one bed and bedding of her own choosing as well as all the personal property that belongs to her when we were married.
    It is further my will and desire that my son David shall have one hundred fifty acres of land be it the same more or less. During his natural life should David at any time after my decease to sell the same one hundred fifty acres of land he is hereby privileged so to do the same adjoins Joseph Rhoads and the Limestone on the north .
    I also direct my son David to pay to my son John the sum of three hundred and seventy five pounds in the following payments the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars one year after my decease and the residue in three annual yearly payments two hundred and fifty dollars each year until it is all paid.
    It is further my will that my son David maintains keep support decently my daughter Elizabeth during her natural life for with it is my desire that he be entitled to her dower which is computed at three hundred and seventy five pound which is kept and reserved to David in the above one hundred fifty acres of land more or less. I wish it understood that I consider my son David sufficiently paid for the support of my daughter Elizabeth during her natural life it is for this reason that David is entitled to two shares which we both consider in the estimation of the above sum of 150 acres-but should I survive my daughter Elizabeth then it is my desire that David pay the amount of her dower equally among my children six years after my decease reserving to himself the regular portion of the same.
    It is further my will that my executors pay to my son Philip the sum of three hundred and forty three pounds fifteen shillings in the following payments: one hundred and seventy one pounds seventeen shillings and sixpence three years after my decease and the remainder one year after the first in like payments making three hundred and forty three pounds fifteen shillings,
    I also direct my executors to pay to my granddaughter, Margaret (who is intermarried with Wm. Jones of the state of OH) the sum of one hundred twenty five pounds, also to my granddaughter Maria (now Mrs. Jones of this township )the sum of one hundred and twenty five pound, also to my daughter Catherine (Now Mrs. Jena of the Co of Columbia) the sum of two hundred and fifty pound these tho… last Viz.: Margaret, Maria and Catherine are to be paid three years after my decease.
    It is also my will that my grandchildren that were born from my daughter Eloner deceased- be entitled and shall receive from my executors one bond of ninety six pounds payable by John Miller (their father) to my heirs at my death as well as a promissory note of hand payable my Miller aforesaid of fifty three pounds ten shillings, less ten pounds as per receipt leaving forty three pounds ten shillings with the interest due on the same as well as the process of the sale at eight acres of land which I sold S. Miller at the rate of fifty dollars per acre adjoining lands of my son David for which I never could get said Millers obligation these three last items I wish my S. grand children to have share and share alike provided the same may or can be collected upon from S. Jno Miller or as much as may be got to be divided equally among my said grandchildren.
    I further give and bequeath to my son Jacob one hundred acres of land with the usual allowance of six percent for roads on the north end of my farm including my present dwelling adjoining lands of Robert Patton on the north and my son David on the south, the river on the west my son Jacob is entitled to the sum of three hundred and seventy five pounds out of my estate of the above hundred acres which I have valued at three thousand dollars viz: thirty dollars per acre and is to pay to my heirs the sum of two thousand dollars in the following payments of five hundred dollars each year beginning the first payment two years after my decease it will require four years to pay the whole amount.
    It is also my will that my son David pay to my heirs (in addition to the dower to my son) the sum of two hundred fifty eight dollars which will be sufficient to pay all the moneys which I have bequeathed to my different heirs. I do not mean that this last money is to be paid to my son John, but to my heirs all over plus if any I divided equally alike among my children and grandchildren in regular proportion as I have bequeathed above all my personal property as soon as convenient.
    I publish and declare this my last will and testament none others in witness where of I have here onto signed my name to my seal this thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.