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Type Book
Publication SIN 118. Conquest of a Continent; Nine Generations on the American Frontier, Theodore M. Banta, X Libris, 2000, History of Banta family in America with emphasis on life of T.P. Banta and the development of the Imperial Valley in California.
Source (20). (SIN 118. Conquest of a Continent; Nine Generations on the American Frontier, Theodore M. Banta, X Libris, 2000, History of Banta family in America with emphasis on life of T.P. Banta and the development of the Imperial Valley in California.).

SIN 118. Conquest of a Continent; Nine Generations on the American Frontier, Theodore M. Banta, X Libris, 2000, History of Banta family in America with emphasis on life of T.P. Banta and the development of the Imperial Valley in California.

The author considers this to be a "historical novel" because some events are imagined. For example, the circumstances surrounding the death of Epke's wife and the sale of the inn on Long Island will probably never be known; the records were lost to fire. Nonetheless, the book sticks closely to the published historical record of the Banta family and of their times. The author relies especially on the work of the earlier T. M. Banta, Elsa Banta, and Vincent Akers. In addition, he has done archive research which locates the land holdings of the family in Ohio and Indiana in the Nineteenth century. His recounting of T. P. Banta's role in the development of the Imperial Valley is all original and based on both public and family records.