MySource:Bbanta1/Source (126)

MySource Source (126)
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Publication information
Publication SIN 22. "Family Record" Manuel Gonzales/Martina Carbajal. Found in album made by Aunt Katie (Katherine Gonzales) for Virginia in 1996. Contains newpaper clippings, notes on back of photo.
Source (126). (SIN 22. "Family Record" Manuel Gonzales/Martina Carbajal. Found in album made by Aunt Katie (Katherine Gonzales) for Virginia in 1996. Contains newpaper clippings, notes on back of photo.).

SIN 22. "Family Record" Manuel Gonzales/Martina Carbajal. Found in album made by Aunt Katie (Katherine Gonzales) for Virginia in 1996. Contains newpaper clippings, notes on back of photo.