
Image Information
5 Jun 1892
Manhattan, NY
Louis Brautman and Bertha Littman (1)
Copyright holder

I hereby certify that Louis Brautman and Bertha Littman were joined in Marriage by me in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, in the City of New York, this 5th day of June 1892.
Witness: Samuel(?) Schlesinger(?)
Signature of person performing the Ceremony: Rev George Gottlieb

Date of marriage: June 5th
Groom's Full Name: Louis Brautman
Residence: 136 Ridge St
Age: 26
Single or Widowed. Single
Birthplace: Rumania
Father's Name: Koppel Brautman
Mother's Maiden Name: Rachel Sperberg
Number of Groom's Marriage: First
Bride's Full Name: Bertha Littman
Residence: 136 Ridge
Age: 20
Single or Widowed: Single
Maiden Name, if a Widow:
Birthplace: Hungaria
Father's Name: David Littman
Mother's Maiden Name: Sali Schön
Number of Bride's Marriage: First
Name of Person performing Ceremony: George Gottlieb
Official Station: Jewish Rabbi
Residence: 159 Ridge St
Date of Record: June 6th
Certificate signed in presence of: Leopold Goldhamer, Moses Levy

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