Family talk:Moses Adams and Lydia Whitney (1)

marriage date [26 April 2011]

I updated the marriage date from 15 Apr 1681 to 15 Apr 1684.

Although no sources were given, the original date is given in many prominent sources, including Savage, Cutter, and the Adams Genealogy. However, the vital records say 1684 as cited on the page, and this was Moses' second wife. He m. his first wife, Mary Fairbanks Medfield 1680, and had a son Benoni born in Sherborn in Nov 1681, his first wife dying at this same time. All these records are found in the various VRs. Obviously a second marriage Apr 1681 would be inconsistent with the records of the first wife. It is speculated in The Second Boat, that the Adams Genealogy changed the date to 1681 to account for the birth of Benoni, not realizing there was a different first wife. Sigh. It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, a minute to destroy it. --Jrich 09:52, 26 April 2011 (EDT)