Family talk:John Wilson and Elizabeth Hartley (1)

I just joined WeRelate dot org yesterday, and so now I'm going to jump right in. I filled out my profile and listed all my surnames of interest including Hartley. I clicked on "Hartley in England" and discovered the couple above (John Wilson and Elizabeth Hartley). I have also encountered this couple on several public trees at, including my own "Kramp Tree". My 2x great grandfather was William Hartley, born March 1821 in Summerhouse, Gainford Parish, Co. Durham, England. He was an older brother of Elizabeth Hartley (b. 1816) who married John Wilson. Summerhouse is a very small village. William Hartley married Ann Robinson about 1842 and they had about 8 children, born in several different villages such as Denton, Low Dinsdale, Cockfield, and Ayrcliff, in southern part of Durham County- quite near Summerhouse. William and Ann's third-born child was Eleanor Hartley who is my great grandmother. She married Scottish-born Thomas William Russell in Willington in 1867. Eleanor (Hartley) and Thomas Russell, had 3 children in Easington District of Co Durham before they immigrated to Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania, about 1881. They had two more children born in PA.

According to the 1841 U.K. census of Summerhouse, the parents of the siblings, William and Elizabeth Hartley, were William Hartley (the elder) and Ann nee. Longstaff. Apparently the family was split between two abodes in the town in 1841. The parents and 4 children plus an apparent grandchild (Ann, William, Eliener (sic), Thomas and Richard Newton) were in one abode; the mother-in-law "Elizabeth Longstaff", 80 years old, and 3 other children (Margaret, Christoff and John) lived in the second abode. Indeed, it is fortunate that Mrs. Elizabeth Longstaff was enumerated next door, because it provided the maiden surname of William's wife. Notice that the daughter, Elizabeth Hartley, is not enumerated with her birth family, because she was already married and was indeed enumerated in Summerhouse in 1841 with her husband, John Wilson, 25, laborer, and their baby daughter, Mary Ann Wilson, age about 1 year.

As far as I can tell, Elizabeth, nee. Hartley and John Wilson, or their DESCENDANTS, eventually immigrated to America and settled in Utah and Idaho and became Mormons. I hope this Discussion will provide more information on this branch of the family.

My main contribution is that I have extensively researched the brothers, William (b. Mar 1821) and John W. (b. 26 Feb 1832), sons of William Hartley and Ann Longstaff, both of whom immigrated to CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. I believe William's wife, Ann Robinson, died in Durham County just before William departed for America in late 1881. William Harltey and at least three of his children settled in Houtzdale, Clearfield Co, PA. John W. Hartley married Ann Wilson (was she related to John Wilson?) and settled in Philipsburg on the border between Clearfield and Centre Counties in PA. These "Clearfield County Hartleys" worshiped in several different churches in the area according to their obituaries- Primitive Methodist, Episcopal Methodist, Episcopal, and Presbyterian.

I have presented the above information and more (with images) in my blog, "Life's Journey" at travelstwo dot blogspot dot com. Go to the blog and insert "Hartley" into the site's own search box.