Family talk:Israel Cowen and Lydia Balch (1)


wrong husband? [7 November 2013]

that a man born in 1664 marries and has first child (named after himself so probably first) at age 60 is pretty unlikely. There are at least two more likely Israel Cowen/Cowings in Scituate, one b. 1693, one b. 1701. --Jrich 16:48, 7 November 2013 (UTC)

Its possible one way or the other. I'm currently sorting through the lineages to see what can be verified and what can not. However, naming ways are very malleable. Assuming that the first born child would be named after the father can sometime give you the right answer, and sometimes not. In the present case, since this is a new England family in the Plymouth colony, you might expect the first born son to be named after the father Fischer gives the ratio as about 2 out of 3 are so named. That, however, assume the family was Puritan. Which might be true, but probably isn't. The patriarch of the family, John Cowen (1) was most likely Presbyterian, and not in New England as a matter of choice. He was on the losing side (Scotland) at Battle of Worcester (1651). He, along with several hundred prisoners from that battle (all presumably from Scotland) were sold as indentured servants. Unless he chose to conform to local custom (which doesnt seem likely given some of the court cases he was involved in, he probably followed a Presbyterian naming way, if he paid it any attention at all. In any case, I appreciate the assist with the documentation; you're help is appreciated. Q 17:04, 7 November 2013 (UTC)