Family:Robert Porter and Hannah Astwood (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage[1] Aft 22 Oct 1675 Administration on first husband's estate granted to her that date.
  1. Stephen Freeman, in Parke, Nathan G, II (Compiler), and Donald Lines (Editor) Jacobus. The Ancestry of Rev. Nathan Grier Parke and His Wife Ann Elizabeth Gildersleeve. (Woodstock, Vt.: The compiler, 1959)

    "… administration (on the estate of Stephen Freeman) was granted to the widow Hannah, 22 Oct. 1675; … That the widow married Robert Porter and lived with him in Waterbury, Conn., is proved by deeds in Milford, one dated 12 Nov. 1685, by which Robert Porter of Mattatuck conveyed, mentioning his wife Hannah Porter, who was formerly Hannah Freeman, relict of 'Steven' Freeman. On 9 Nov. 1688, Samuel Freeman of Newark and Hannah Porter of Waterbury, formerly wife of Stephen Freeman belonging to Milford, conveyed to Robert Porter, 'my deare friend standing in the Relation of a ffather to mee the said Samuel: and a husband to mee the aforesaid Hannah Porter.' After Porter's death in 1689, another deed was given, 10 Mar. 1690, by Thomas Porter of Farmington, heir to Robert Porter of Mattatuck [Waterbury]. and Hannah Clark, 'now widow formerly the wife of Robert Porter of Mattatuck.' It seems very probable that her third husband was John Clark, Sr., of Farmington, whose first wife (and mother of his children) was Rebecca, daughter of Matthew Marvin."