Family:Levi Hawkins and Laura Moss (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage[1][2] 1896 Carroll, Indiana, United States
  1. Obituary: Levi Hawkins.

    From byline of local paper, the September 19, 1905 obituary: Levi Hawkins; Cashier of the Flora Bank Cashes in Final Draft. Word reached this city this morning to the effect that Levi Hawkins, cashier of the bank at Flora, had died at his home at that place last night, after a short illness of typhoid fever. The remains will be brought to this city for burial Wednesday afternoon, where his remains will find a resting place in Crown Point cemetery. Mr. Hawkins was about forty-three years of age and is survived by a wife, two brothers and three sisters. The sisters are Mrs. Amanda Tapp, of this city; Mrs. Seth Ratcliff, of Russiaville; Mrs Warren Everman, of Washington, D. C. The brothers are Bluford and John Hawkins, of Indianapolis. Deceased was a nephew of the late John Haw [text missing] ...strong charachteristics as a successful business man. His untimely death will cause universal sorrow.

  2. Second marriage to her cousin, Levi Hawkins