Family:Henry Isbell and Hannah Barton (1)


Henry Isbell

"State of North Carolina, Morgan District Superior Courtof law and equity, September term 1783. The jurors for the state upon their oath present that James BLAIR late of the county of Burke, Yeoman, on the tenth day of May, in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three and in the seventh year of American Independence; with force and arms, in the county of Wilks, in the district of Morgan, one gelding of a black colour, of the price of five pounds sterling, of the goods and chattles of one Henry IZBELL, then and there found, feloniously did steal, take and lead away, against the peace and dignity of the said State. Alfred MOORE, atto. genl. The State vs. No. 7. James BLAIR Indt. horse stealg. Morgan Supr. Court Spetr. term 1783. Arraigned, pleads not guilty. Henry IZBELL pros. & wit. Willm SUMPTER wit. sworn & sent Joseph DOBSON. A. MOORE, atto. Genl. A true Bill, Joseph DICKSON, foreman."

In Sunlight on the Southside (Bell, 1931), there are lists upon lists of tithables for . It doesn't show Henry Isbell paying more than 1 tithe until after 1750. Incidently, he is also paid to be the clerk and sexton of Little Roanoke Church in Cumberland Parish, Lunenberg County, Virginia. On "Novermber 11, 1749, the vestry made an order allowing Henry Isbell one thousand pounds of tobacco as clerk of LIttle Roanoke Church". He is also given a salary, listedin 1756 as 100 pounds. When I took a look at the formations of the parish in southern Virginia a lot of the Isbell migrations made a little bit more sense. Also, Godfrey Isbell is mentioned in Antrim Parish as procesioning lines to be included in the parish, and that's it in vestry and parish books for him. I found the parish history very interesting because Henry and Hannah Isbell are on the list of people who are original members of Meherrin Baptist Church in Lunenburg County in 1771. Do you know if there are minutes for this church? Speaking of Hannah Isbell and Baptists, in the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 35, summer 1997, no. 3, there is an article of the "Ten Thousand Name Petition". Basically it was a petition to the House of Burgesses by the Baptists regarding religious toleration of their religion. It was read on June 13, 1775. On this list is a Henry Cox, Sr. I know there has been a lot of talk about Hannah being a Cox,