1st Ohio Heavy Artillery, Company A


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Mustered in (as Co. A, 117th OVI) 15 September 1862 at Camp Portsmouth, Ohio by S. Beall, Mustering Officer. Original Captain was Robert Wilson Caldwell, who was promoted to Major 1 August 1863. He was replaced by William Carroll, who remained Captain of Company A until the company mustered out 25 July 1865 at Knoxville, Tennessee.


Allemang, Crothers C.
Allen, Reuben D., Sergeant
Allen, Richard R.
Arrington, James Madison
Arrington, John C.
Bard, John Henry, Sergeant
Bartley, Francis
Beech, William A.
Benner, William. Also in Company F. Died in service.
Bennett, William
Benson, James
Bishop, William H.
Blazer, Milton
Boskill, Samuel
Brooks, William. Died in service.
Brown, Charles
Bucharon, William
Bushong, Henry (aka Henry Bushawn)
Bushong, William (aka William Bushawn)
Caldwell, Peter. Also in Company B. Died in service.
Caldwell, Robert Wilson, Captain, promoted to Major
Canter, George M.
Canter, Henry
Canter, John
Canter, John W., Wagoner.
Canter, Madison
Carr, William (possible)
Carroll, William, Captain
Carter, John (possible)
Caughey, John M.
Caughey, William, Corporal
Celer, John M.
Chambers, Jacob S.
Cherrington, Thomas W.
Coder, Francis M.
Coder, Samuel
Coen, Henry
Cole, Matthew M.
Conser, Frederick F.
Cooke, Robert P.
Cool, Samuel S.
Cope, Joshua
Coverston, Henry O.
Cowdery, Stephen M. (possible)
Cox, William W.
Crabtree, Jeremiah
Crabtree, Stephen B.
Crawford, Francis Marion
Crawford, McDonald
Culp, Tighman
Daniels, Andrew
Denney, Rufus A.
Denney, William F., Sergeant.
Donahey, John. Died in service.
Eckhardt, George (possible)
Eckhardt, Jacob (possible)
Edwards, Abraham
Eichorn, Edward
Ellington, Joel. Also in Company B.
Engle, William
Entrekin, George E.
Evans, Abram J., Corporal
Evans, Clinton D., 2nd Lieutenant. Also 1st Lieutenant, Company H.
Evans, Timothy J.
Evans, Wellington C., Quartermaster Sergeant
Farney, John
Fields, Benjamin J., Corporal
Fields, David
Finck, Frederick
Firestone, Daniel W., 2nd Lieutenant. Also 1st Lieutenant, Company E.
Fisher, William
Fitzwilliams, Elisha, 1st Lieutenant. Also in Company E.
Flick, Norman D.
Frey, Charles
Fultz, Caleb, Corporal
Gallagher, James
Gang, John
Garrett, Amos. Died in service.
Gaultney, George W.
Giles, James Wheatly. Also in Company F.
Gillespie, Harrison
Gilliland, Harrison, Corporal
Gilliland, Hugh
Gilliland, Washington
Graham, Thomas, Corporal and Quartermaster Sergeant
Gray, Alfred
Grice, Thomas E.
Hale, Zachary Taylor
Hamilton, Matthew H.
Harris, John G.
Harry, Daniel
Haulenback, Victor P.
Hawkins, Moses. Died in service.
Heading, Isaac
Heffron, Cassius M.
Heffron, Edwin S.
Hill, Keith. Also in Company H.
Hitchcock, John C. Died in service.
Hooton, William J.
Huffman, John
Humpleby, Jackson H. (see Umpleby, Jackson H.)
Jarvis, John Orr
Jaycox, John
Jeffries, Joseph S., 1st Lieutenant
Jenkins, Charles Vinton
Jenkins, Enoch
Jenkins, John, Corporal
Johnson, Isaac
Jones, Lewis
Jones, Lindsey
Karn, George W., Corporal
Keairnes, James
Keith, Thomas
Keller, George W. Also in Company F.
Kelso, Solomon W.
Kern, James
Kinnison, Francis Marion
Kinnison, Nathaniel
Kirk, John. Also in Company F. Died in service.
Kneisley, Erwin
Lambert, Andrew
Landrum, Mark. Also in Company H.
Lawrence, R. W. (possible)
Lesser, Gabriel
Lind, Robert J.
Lisle, James D.
Long, Martin
Loomis, Jesse
Loomis, Loira C.
Loomis, Russell, Corporal
Maloney, Henry C.
Marker, John L., Sergeant
Martin, James, 1st Sergeant. Also 2nd Lt., Company B.
McCandlish, David
McCann, Chalkley
McCartney, James. Died in service.
McClure, William, Corporal
McCord, John N.
McCormick, Edward P., Sergeant
McCune, David
McCune, William, Corporal. Also in Company H. Died in service.
McDonald, George
McDonald, Michael
McDonald, William
McManaway, Joseph
McNaughton, James P. Also in Company F.
Miller, Andrew
Miller, David, Corporal
Miller, Isaac W.
Miller, Ludlow D., Corporal
Miller, Thomas
Millirons, Samuel. Also in Company F.
Minard, John Calvin
Moccabee, Benjamin J.
Moore, Alexander T.
Moore, Lewis
Moore, Lewis M.
Moore, William
Morthland, Galen
Morthland, John
Murray, Hugh
Nance, Allen
Newland, Thomas J.
Newland, William A.
Nolen, James
Nolen, Preston
Null, James H. H. Died in service.
Null, Thomas E. Died in service.
Oliver, George W., Artificer
Oliver, John W.
Ott, William. Also in Company B.
Palmer, Enos
Patterson, Wilson C., Musician
Payne, James
Penn, William H., Corporal
Prine, Kinneth (possible)
Purdum, George
Quickle, George W.
Reede, Lewis
Reede, Samuel J.
Reester, Hiram
Reester, John A.
Rice, James F.
Rippeth, Edmund U., Sergeant
Rockhold, Alfred
Scheese, Emanuel
Schell, Stephen
Schoonover, Hiram
Scott, Isaiah R. Died in service.
Seinn, Christopher
Shank, Martin
Sheridan, Andrew J.
Slocum, Edmund W. Also in Company F.
Smith, Archibald
Smith, Emanuel
Spriggs, George W.
Stinson, Charles M. 2d Lieutenant
Taylor, Charles B., Corporal. Appears in Official Roster as Edgar B. Taylor.
Tea, Richard
Temple, Jacob F.
Test, Daniel
Throckmorton, John J.
Thurman, Franklin
Timberman, John
Toland, Aaron
Toland, Harrison. Died in service.
Toland, Isaac
Toland, William
Tripp, Leonidas H.
Trueax, Charles
Umpleby, Jackson H.
Van Deman, Henry E.
Vandivert, James P. Also in Company F. (NOTE: There might be two James Vandiverts in Company A.)
Violet, Samuel B. 1st Lieutenant. Also in Company F.
Walker, Frederick
Watts, Thomas M., Corporal.
Weber, Peter N., Corporal.
West, Enos H., Artificer.
Weston, James
Weston, Thomas
White, John
White, William
Wine, David
Wise, Allen H.
Wise, Harvey -- possibly the same as Allen H. Wise
Wisecup, Henry W.
Witherspoon, John M.
Wollam, Albert, Musician.
Wooden/Woten, Robert. Also in Company F.
Woodland, John, Sergeant.
Woodland, Richard A.
Yoakum, George W.