Source:Worden, O. N. Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden

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Source Some records of persons by the name of Worden
particularly of over one thousand of the ancestors, kin and descendants of John and Elizabeth Worden, of Washington County, Rhode Island : covering three hundred years and comprising twelve generations in America
Author Worden, O. N
Surname Ward, Warden, Worden
Publication information
Publisher Printed at the Railway Press of J.R. Cornelius
Date issued 1868
Place issued Lewisburg, Pa.
Worden, O. N. Some records of persons by the name of Worden: particularly of over one thousand of the ancestors, kin and descendants of John and Elizabeth Worden, of Washington County, Rhode Island : covering three hundred years and comprising twelve generations in America. (Lewisburg, Pa.: Printed at the Railway Press of J.R. Cornelius, 1868).
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