Source:Vredenburgh, William R. Additions to the Genealogy of the Vredenburgh Family in North America

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Source Additions to the Genealogy of the Vredenburgh family in North America
also showing the genealogy of the Doremus family insofar as it effects the ancestry and descendants of Ann Eliza Doremus, who married John S. Vredenburgh
Author Vredenburgh, William R
Surname Doremus, Vredenburg, Vredenburgh
Publication information
Publisher unknown
Date issued 1958
Place issued Springfield, Ill.
Vredenburgh, William R. Additions to the Genealogy of the Vredenburgh family in North America: also showing the genealogy of the Doremus family insofar as it effects the ancestry and descendants of Ann Eliza Doremus, who married John S. Vredenburgh. (Springfield, Ill.: unknown, 1958).
Ancestry.com website

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