Source:Vanderbilt, Frank Armstrong Crawford. Laurus Crawfurdiana : Memorials of That Branch of the Crawford Family Which Comprises the Descendants of John

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Source Laurus Crawfurdiana : memorials of that branch of the Crawford family which comprises the descendants of John Crawford, of Virginia, 1660-1883
with notices of the allied families
Author Vanderbilt, Frank Armstrong Crawford
Place Virginia, United States
Surname Craford, Crawford, Crofford, Crufford
Publication information
Publisher Privately printed for the compilers
Date issued 1883
Place issued New York
Vanderbilt, Frank Armstrong Crawford. Laurus Crawfurdiana : memorials of that branch of the Crawford family which comprises the descendants of John Crawford, of Virginia, 1660-1883: with notices of the allied families. (New York: Privately printed for the compilers, 1883).
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